Hey guys, here are are with the follow up Vibe Check for the Game of Thrones slot.
The majority of people have voted for Game of Thrones to be replaced with another property in its slot. However, this does not necessarily mean I'm willing to throw out Game of Thrones just yet.
This poll will be to find out if any one setting is actually more popular among you guys, my readers, than Game of Thrones is.
All of these settings are taken from my previous Vibe Check, and though I consider Game of Thrones to be a "Fantasy" slot, I have decided to include some of the Sci-Fi suggestions. To be fair, this is because some of the Fantasy Settings like League or WoW are Sci-Fi too at some points.
I'm also not going to bother figuring out actual ideas for any of these settings just yet, because first and foremost I want to see if any of them are capable of being a successor to Game of Thrones on their own fandom merits. That said, I'll try to put little notes on what I do have for certain settings already.
So, for those of you who want to see me write another Game of Thrones fic, vote for Game of Thrones. For those who want to see another setting, vote for that setting. I can't promise that the most popular setting will 'win' outright, but I will take this vote into consideration when figuring out story ideas that I personally will have fun writing.
I'm also happy to take any story ideas you guys might have for any of these settings. Who knows, maybe I'll even use one!