The Ninth Story Poll (Anime)(Round Two)
- 1. Fate 537
- 2. One Piece 361
Hey guys, if you missed the last poll it can be found here!
I wasn't originally going to do this, but I realized I have plenty of time. Basically, it doesn't work for my schedule for these two new stories to begin until January anyways. And since I've been doing these polls on a weekly basis instead of every two weeks like the Vibe Checks, I can afford to be a little bit more meticulous.
That said, we're doing a second round of voting on the setting, just so I can get a proper majority (over 50%) vote on one of the two front runners. As well as more concentrated discussion/ideas based around those two front runners.
For Anime, the top two options from last week are as follows:
1. Fate with 32% of the vote.
2. One Piece with 22% of the vote.
In regard to both of these settings, please feel free to give me your ideas for what sort of stories you think I should write within them. For Fate in particular, let me know which sub-settings of Fate you think would make for good stories. Fate/stay night and Fate/Grand Order seem like the most obvious ones, but are there any others that would even hold a candle to those two choices?
Anyways, thanks for indulging me in my aim to be a bit more meticulous when it comes to these two new Story Polls.
Also don't forget to check out the other post going up at the exact same time as this one!