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Themes: Lactation, Rough Sex, Fucked Silly

Summary: While the situation involving Ganondorf is certainly dire, not everything Link finds himself dealing with is quite so serious. One of Purah's experiments got a little out of hand and now Link has to deal with an incredibly horny, incredibly curvaceous and voluptuous scientist before anyone gets hurt! And what are those dark spots on her shirt? 


“Linky, you came! Wonderful!”

Silent and stalwart as ever, Link simply nods his head, his signature response. Smirking, Purah taps her baton against her lips for a moment as she eyes him speculatively.

“I appreciate you making time for me. I know you’ve been really busy of late.”

Once again, Link nods resolutely. He was the Hero of Hyrule after all. And he would be again, soon enough. Meanwhile, she was Purah, the Director of the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab, and Head Investigator and Researcher regarding what everyone was calling the Great Upheaval. She was also One-Hundred and Twenty-Four years old, though she didn’t look a day over twenty! Still, her age allowed her to be a bit more… teasing when it came to the Hero standing across from her.

“Saving all those Koroks from trees and reuniting them with their companions. Though… I’m not entirely sure that rocket you made was the best method of doing so with the last pair.”

At that, Link’s eyes go wide and his face goes red with embarrassment. But Purah just laughs, reaching up and adjusting her red spectacles, pushing them up the bridge of her nose.

“Oh Linky, don’t you worry! I’m certainly not going to be the one to come between a burgeoning young scientist and his experiments! Though, today you won’t be directly taking part in anything. I just need you on site as… damage control, basically.”

Tilting his head to the side, Link makes a curious noise in the back of his throat that has Purah suddenly acting giddy, nodding rapidly with excitement as she all but bounces up and down.

“That’s right! I might need those big strong muscles of yours in case things go particularly awry! But not to worry… I’m sure that my newest machine won’t turn me into some sort of monster, so you shouldn’t have to smack me with one of those strange weapons you’re always building on the fly! Especially don’t hit me with a meat sword or a bomb stick if you can avoid it, alright?”

Suddenly, Link looks a lot more alarmed. But Purah just waves off his unspoken concern.

“Now, now. Don’t get cold feet on me at this point, Linky! Honestly, you’ve been showing such promise in the scientific pursuit of knowledge. This isn’t any different from your experiments in engineering, alright? So you just stand there and keep looking pretty~ Ah… who am I kidding, I’m pretty enough for the both of us, teehee!”

Before Link can muster up some form of protest, Purah dances back onto a new platform in the middle of her lab that he likely hadn’t noticed before now. To be fair, the place is absolutely filled with different junk and technological marvels. One lightly glowing platform doesn’t stand out much more than any of the others in Purah’s lab.

Regardless, she strikes a pose and then uses her baton to reach over and flick a switch off to the side.

“Hit it!”

Of course, it has already been hit. Leaving Link to do nothing whatsoever but stand in wide-eyed, slack-jawed concern as the platform lights up, buzzing to life. Purah, standing on the middle of it, looks down and smiles hesitantly.

“Don’t worry Linky, that’s supposed to happen!”

No sooner have those words left her mouth then there’s a sudden fizzing sound… and a pop as the platform goes from glowing to sparking.

“Err… that’s probably within experiment parameters too! Still nothing to worry about here, I pro-!”

Before she can finish that last word… things blow up. To be fair, in the grand scheme of things it’s a minor explosion at best. More electricity and smoke than actual fire and flame. Purah doesn’t even scream. No, she lets out a very lady-like and dignified squeal from within the sudden smoke cloud… before going silent.

For a long moment, Link just stares at the scene… then, finally, the Hero of Hyrule jumps into action! He hurries and turns off the switch first, before diving into the smoke. A moment later and he’s pulling Purah off of the platform, though she’s not unconscious and is in fact already batting at him lightly as she groans.

“I’m fiiiine, Linky. I’m perfectly fine. Jeez, such a worrywart you are…”

The Silent Hero gives Purah a simple stare, which the incredibly stacked centenarian ignores. Wait… incredibly stacked?

Both Purah and Link realize something is wrong at around the same time. Blanching as he realizes that Purah has a lot more to hold onto now then she did before… and he’s inadvertently holding onto some of it, Link all but throws himself back, removing his hands from Purah’s figure post-haste. Meanwhile, Purah looks down at herself and slowly blinks as she puts her own hands ON her body… casually feeling up her breasts as she purses pillowy lips together.

“… I could swear these were a cup-size smaller just a second ago. Oooh, that… nngh, t-that feels good…”

Link’s face is bright red and he very deliberately doesn’t look in Purah’s direction as the scientist molests herself. In fact, maybe it would be best if he were to skedaddle and they could pretend this never happened…

But before the Hero of Hyrule can escape, his decision to avert his gaze comes back to bite him in the ass as Purah suddenly materializes right in front of him, kneeling and pawing at his crotch.

“L-Linky… please Linky…”

When he finally looks at her, he finds himself staring not at the incredibly confident, genius scientist that he’s used to… but an expression of pure horny lust as Purah grabs him by his belt and begins to unbuckle it.

“I-I need it… oh f-fuck do I need it. Don’t… please don’t abandon me like this, Linky… I need your help~”

And just like that, the drop-dead gorgeous centenarian has managed to appeal to Link’s Hero Complex. He can’t possibly leave without helping someone in need. Especially when that someone is a person he knows personally.

“Oooh f-fuck… that was NOT what that was supposed to do. But… hehe, I guess I’m not complaining~”

Reaching into his pants, Purah pulls out his cock and lets it slap down across her face, prompting another heart moan as the meaty member sends her red rimmed glasses askew. Looking positively lust-drunk, the researcher wiggles her hips like she’s about to pounce, causing her tits to shake in her top at the same time.

A moment later and she’s reaching up and beginning to divest herself of her clothing, even as she runs her tongue across Link’s shaft.

“T-Too hot. Much too hot. Need… mm, need more fresh air on my skin. Yesss, that’s the stuff.”

Link can only stand there and watch as Purah strips naked on the spot, until all that’s left are her orange stockings, her heels, and her hair ties. Everything else is gone, leaving the gorgeous Sheikah completely naked. Her tits have definitely grown too, but so have other parts of her body. She was already pretty damn lewd to begin with if you asked an observant bystander to comment on it.

But now? Now her breasts were positively protruding from her chest, and her hips had also grown along with her ass… which currently rests on her heels as she plants her hands firmly on the ground between her spread knees and worships Link’s cock from below with her tongue.

“Sho good. Yesssh, more of this~”

Her eyes are damn near rolling back in her head from just this much. Link shifts from foot to foot, aroused but also clearly uncomfortable. Something that Purah doesn’t fail to notice, causing the centenarian to giggle up at him.

“Ooooh, are you worried you’re taking advantage of me, Linky? Don’t be! If anything, it’s me taking advantage of YOU!”

And with that, the Sheikah Scientist really does pounce. Link lets out a particularly manly yelp as he’s suddenly taken to the ground, the Hero of Hyrule caught off guard by Purah’s sudden enthusiasm. Obviously he COULD have fought her off… but he didn’t want to hurt her. In the end, Purah was right. She was taking advantage of him. Him and his affection for her.

Grabbing his cock with both hands, Purah positively purrs as she places it against her slippery wet slit and licks her lips.

“Y-You know Linky… turns out you ended up needing your meat sword to handle me after all. Just not the one I had in mind, heh!”

And with that particularly lurid thought, Purah impales herself soundly upon Link’s cock, taking the entirety of his ‘meat sword’ up inside of her sopping cunt as he blushes up a storm. Moaning, her breasts bouncing and heaving from the movement, Purah doesn’t waste any time. The Sheikah Researcher immediately starts riding Hyrule’s Hero, fucking herself upon his length as Link lays there beneath her.

At the same time, her chest is… very distracting. Positively eye-catching as a matter of fact. As she rises and falls upon the Hero of Hyrule’s cock, her breasts swing up and down right in front of his face. As such, is it any surprise that Link is the first to notice the beads of liquid building at her nipples? The Silent Hero blinks at this, taken aback for a moment… before ultimately, his curiosity gets the better of him.

Narrowing his eyes and pursing his lips, Link reaches out… and snatches one of Purah’s tits right up. The Sheikah squeaks at this, looking down just in time to see his face drawing closer to her teat.


But Link has already let his tongue slip out… and licked at her lactating nipple. Purah’s entire body proceeds to jolt at this, her back arching as she throws her head back. Her eyes roll in her skull and her tongue sticks straight out of her mouth as just that barest contact of his tongue across her teat is enough to make her spasm her way through the most intense climax of her entire century plus of life.


For a moment, Link rears back in surprise and concern, worried that he’s hurt her in some way. But he needn’t have fretted. No sooner has he drawn away, then Purah lunges after him, wrapping her arms around his head and shoving it between her massive, lactating tits.

“D-Don’t stop! Nnngh, drink your fill, big boy~”

And so Link does, even as Purah rides him to kingdom come. His cock throbbing inside of her, her hips slamming down on his crotch time and time again, the both of them get their ‘fill’ by the end of things. Link drinks deep of her breast milk, swallowing what seems like gallons of the stuff. Something that Purah is ultimately more than a little grateful for, because she didn’t know whether her tits were only producing because he was drinking, but she also didn’t want to find out!

Either way, by the time Purah’s pussy finally manages to milk Link of his load, the Hero of Hyrule has a belly full of breastmilk, even as the Sheikah Researcher gets a womb full of seed. The two of them both seize up, experiencing one last mutual orgasm together before collapsing. But only for a moment as they find their eyes meeting.

Panting for breath, Link and Purah stare at one another for a long moment… before both blush as their hands begin to move across one another’s bodies.

“I-I think… I think the effects are starting to wear off, Linky. Ah… b-but don’t stop. I-If you don’t want to, that is…”



The sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the laboratory, along with masculine grunts and feminine moans. In between mewling and moaning up a storm as Link fucks her from behind, his hands gripping her pillowy hips quite well and his cock plunging into her depths over and over again, Purah licks her lips and jots down some more notes into her research diary.

“So… the experiment was, nngh, sort of a failure I suppose. But! Not a complete failure! Obviously the, oooh, m-machine did SOMETHING to me! I’m just not, hm, sure what exactly!”

Behind her, Link pauses for a moment, prompting Purah to look back at him and scowl cutely.

“Don’t give me that, Linky! Yes, I know what it did to me in general, but what did it do to me specifically?! And why?! And is it repeatable?! All of these things are important scientific inquiries, alright? So I don’t need any judgment or sass from you, young man. Especially not when I’ve seen you strap Koroks to a single tree trunk with a fan on the bottom like that’s somehow going to fly!”

Link blushes and after a moment shrugs and returns to fucking her with a steady, rough pace. Purah nods, pleased at having scored a point there… and even more pleased (privately of course) that he’d finally gotten back to what was important. Namely, pounding her perfectly puffy pussy silly!

Turning back to her notes as the sound of flesh smacking against flesh once again resumes and so do her moans, Purah continues writing.

“Some of the effects have persisted. The state of high-grade arousal has, oooh, mostly dissipated, but I find myself, nngh, in a state of constant low-grade libidinous d-desire instead. Basically… I think better when Linky’s cock is inside of me now if I’m being honest. M-Meanwhile, the… swelling in certain regions of my body has also, oooh, diminished… but not gone away entirely. Luckily I seem to have stopped producing milk for the time being, at least!”

A noise from the Hero of Hyrule at that makes Purah scoff and roll her eyes at him.

“Yes Linky, I know you’ve developed an unnatural obsession with my milk! I already let you fill every empty jar, bottle, and miscellaneous container with as much of it as you could before I stopped producing, didn’t I? What more do you want from me?!”

Once again, Link looks suitably chagrined. And even better, this time he didn’t even stop fucking her while she spoke! Nodding resolutely to herself, Purah goes back to her notes.

“All in all, the experiment, while not a success in any intended manner, has turned out to yield some promising data! Very promising. Indeed… I can’t wait until Round Two!”

There’s a brief pause from Link at that… but before Purah can speak up this time around, he renews his thrusting… and with much greater speed then before. Squeaking, Purah has to quickly tuck her diary and writing implement away as his powerful pistoning motions jar and jolt her much more violently.

“L-Linky! You’re not going to stop me from doing science just b-by fucking me harder, you b-big dolt! That’s… ah, n-not how this WORKS!”


Moaning, burying her face in her arms, Purah mumbles out one final order before letting herself succumb to the pleasure.

“… Just don’t stop…”



…I now kinda want an ongoing BotW/TotK story

Talia Rock

It's weirdly cute and somehow feels kinda wholesome. Would not object if the next free write was a BotW/TotK story...