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Themes: Consensual, Friendly Wager, Domination

Word Count: 2,278

Summary: Hoping to bring the people of the land truly back together under her rule, Queen Zelda reaches out with a hand of friendship to the displaced Gerudo people. Their Chieftain comes to the Castle for talks that go quite well, but on a more personal note, the beautiful Gerudo woman has her eyes on Zelda for a little something more... unfortunately Zelda's heart belongs to Link, and the Chieftain is going to learn why, the hard way.

Part 4

  It would have been easy to villainize an entire race simply for sharing their species with the vile Ganondorf. But it would also have perpetuated a cycle of violence and bloodshed that Queen Zelda wanted absolutely no part of. Zelda wished to see her land heal, she wished to see Hyrule pull itself back together and use its new found vitality and wealth to spread its influence and happiness to the lands beyond it.

So, one of the first things she did in her new position as Queen was reach out to the displaced Gerudo tribe. After Ganondorf’s imprisonment they had retreated into the desert, facing discrimination from all sides for their relationship with the evil man, as well as their reputation as thieves. A tribe made entirely of warrior women, the Gerudo was a proud people who would not put up with harassment and disrespect.

Zelda could understand their position and even appreciate it. She’d called them to Hyrule in order to talk peace and to bring them back into the fold as full members of the Kingdom, afforded the same rights as any other citizen, any other species that lived under her rule. So far, the talks had gone well. It seemed the Gerudo truly wanted to be close with Hyrule again; they were forthright in the negotiations and even fair about what they asked for, to the point that Zelda believed things would be settled in days or weeks instead of months.

The talks had gone so well that she’d invited the leader of the Gerudo delegation, a statuesque tall warrior woman named Dahlia to sup with her in private. Now they sat at a large table in her dining room at either end, the only two occupants in the room besides Zelda’s Link, ever present as her sworn sword, currently standing at the door quietly watching the conversation taking place. That conversation was the reason Zelda was beginning to regret the dinner invitation.

“You are very beautiful my Queen, yet also small and fragile, like a spring time flower. I wonder if you smell as nice as one as well.”

Sentences like that had been the Gerudo woman’s stock of trade for the entire dinner by this point. Ever since they’d sat down, Dahlia had been flirting aggressively with Zelda. It didn’t exactly make the Queen uncomfortable, but it was clear that Dahlia was a dominating sort like most of the Gerudo and Zelda’s heart and body belonged to another, making the advanced unwanted and unwarranted. Zelda gave a small smile in response to the darkly tanned warrior and spoke with a slight reprimand to her tone.

“I appreciate the compliment Chieftain. I have been told I smell quite nice, by my lover.”

The other woman’s smile twitched slightly at that and her eyes darted to Link where he stood at the doors behind Zelda.

“This one I assume, given he is allowed to be in the same room as us? Hm, he is acceptable I suppose, but I am not so sure he is fit for you. A delicate flower, such as yourself, must be cared for in a certain manner. Held in a firm hand, yet caressed with a… woman’s touch wouldn’t you say?”

Zelda’s teeth grit behind her fake smile, and the grip on her knife and fork tightened noticeably. It took a moment for her to calm herself, the insult to her lover hitting harder than the comments about her own august body. When she was finally composed again, Zelda smiled sweetly and spoke with just as sweet a tone.

“Oh? You seem quite sure of yourself Dahlia. Perhaps a friendly wager then, hm?”

That seemed to excite the Gerudo as she grinned wide, showing off her rows of pearly white teeth and leaning forward in anticipation.

“I’m listening.”

Zelda smirked, knowing she already had the proud warrior woman at this point. Dahlia did not seem like the type who could resist a challenge, no matter what the cost would be. Not that Zelda intended to make the cost anything too drastic. She wasn’t out to hurt the Gerudo people or anything, just teach this one her place.

“Very well, let us have a spar between you and my sworn sword, the one behind me. Yes, he is my lover, but he is also a very capable warrior in his own right. The two of you will fight, no holds barred, merely avoid maiming and killing. When my sworn sword wins, you will submit to him for the evening and learn exactly why I allow him into my bed.”

Dahlia’s eyes darted between Zelda and Link a few times as she assessed the young Hyrulian man and clearly found him to be as wanting as she had the first time. Raising an eyebrow at Zelda, the Gerudo woman curled the corner of her mouth up into a smirk.

“An interesting proposal. But what happens when I win? I am more interested in you then your lover.”

Zelda smirked back at that, already having an answer ready.

“Easy enough then, if you win you get both me and my lover for the night, to do with as you please.”

The Gerudo’s eyes lit up and she abruptly stood from her seat, almost knocking over her food in the process.

“I accept your wager your highness! Let us go to the courtyard now!”

Standing far more smoothly, Zelda smiled slightly and inclined her head.

“Of course, I shall lead the way.”


Dahlia lay on her back, the breath knocked out of her for the umpteenth time and her glaive lying beside her, having fallen from nerveless fingers. A shadow fell over her face and she found the Queen looking down at her with a satisfied smug smirk that spoke volumes. The Gerudo woman was forced to admit that she’d been played, though it’d be more accurate to say that she played herself in underestimating the boy just because of his size and relatively small stature.

“I would say you lose the wager Dahlia. My sworn sword had proved too much for you, hasn’t he?”

Squeezing her eyes shut, Dahlia was forced to nod in agreement, even as she slowly rose to a seated position, staring at the young man in green that still stood at the ready with his sword and shield. The Gerudo woman knew when she had loss and this was a definite defeat. Still, the boy was so unassuming. She couldn’t help asking the question on the tip of her tongue.

“Who is he?”

Looking towards Zelda, she found a wide grin on the Queen’s face.

“Ah yes, you haven’t been properly introduced. Aside from being my sworn sword and lover, this is the Hero Link. Vanquisher of Ganondorf and Savior of Hyrule.”

Dahlia’s eyes widened and darted back to the boy in green. The normally boisterous warrior woman didn’t really have anything to say to that, so she settled on what came to mind.


“And now Dahlia, you have your end of the wager to uphold. Come along now, I will allow you to keep your dignity by moving things to the bedroom before we begin.”

Suddenly feeling very small and vulnerable, Dahlia allowed the Queen to lead her along. Link took up the rear and the Gerudo woman could feel his presence behind her the entire way to their destination, the royal suite, an extravagant set of rooms. When they arrived, Dahlia moved to the middle of the room and fell to her knees, head bowed.

“I am yours to do with as you please my Queen. How will you have me?”

“I won’t be having you. As I said, now that you have learned of my Champion’s martial prowess, it is time you learn the other reason I keep him around. Divest yourself of your armor and undergarments and then present yourself on the bed.”

Dahlia followed the Queen’s orders with only the slightest of hesitation. Looking back at Link, she found he was doing the same and her eyes widened dramatically when he freed his soft cock from his pants. He was hung like a god damn horse and not even fully hard yet, his cock hanging loosely between his legs as he stood there silently, clearly waiting for her. Blushing deeply, Dahlia finished her own undressing and moved to the bed as she’d been told.

Instinctively, the tall muscular warrior woman bent over the bed on her hands, the small frame not really looking up to taking her weight. Little did she know how strong that bed was after Link’s wolf form had made its presence known that first time, but Zelda didn’t seek to correct her as the Gerudo woman presented her firm naked ass to the Queen’s young hero. For her part, Zelda sat down in a nearby cushioned chair, bringing a foot up to spread her legs wide as she hiked her dress up so she could more easily touch herself.

Dahlia was a bit entranced by the beautiful Queen beginning to play with herself, so she jumped a little when Link’s hand finally came down on her ass. Then, the tip of his cock pressed against her slit from behind and she could feel him growing thick as he rubbed the head of his length up and down her lower lips. Despite herself, Dahlia quickly grew aroused, biting her lower lip as she got wetter and wetter upon feeling the way his cock grew and thickened against her slit.

Then, the Hero was pushing into her and it was all the Gerudo woman could do to control herself as his huge cock filled her tight cunt in a way it had never been filled before. Dahlia’s mouth dropped open and an involuntary moan escaped from between her lips, her hips pushing back to try and get more of the Hyrulian’s prick inside of her.

“Ah, there it is. Now you’re beginning to understand.”

The Queen’s voice was condescending as Zelda taunted her, but Dahlia was forced to admit that she was right, even as Link continued to push deeper and deeper into her. Suddenly, the Gerudo woman’s arms gave out from under her, causing her to fall forward on her face and taking Link with her as she slumped onto the bed. Perhaps their earlier spar had taken more out of her then she thought, or perhaps she’d given up on her arms before her legs finally gave up the fight. Either way, Dahlia nuzzled the soft bedsheets beneath her and moaned wantonly as Link began to plow her into the comfortable surprisingly tough mattress.

His hands were on her large ass now, gripping and kneading her darkly tanned flesh as he pistoned in and out of her. Her cunt tried again and again to grasp down on his length, her muscles flexing as she failed to keep him inside of her for long. The Hero of Hyrule was truly a man among men, and Dahlia understood now what Zelda had meant about why she allowed him into her bed. 

If she could have, Dahlia wasn’t sure she’d have been able to resist the urge to take this man and keep him as her personal love slave forever more. But of course, she already knew where she stood in terms of physical prowess versus the young hero, and angering the Queen would not be advisable for the long-term health of her tribe. So instead, the statuesque Gerudo simply lay there and took it as Link plowed her into the bed and Zelda continued to taunt and tease her as the Queen played with herself.

An orgasm suddenly rippled through her body, followed by a series of smaller ones that had Dahlia’s eyes rolling back in her head and her body shaking beneath Link’s cock. Her pussy tightened around him and Link grunted, one of the only sounds he’d made so far as she felt him cumming, felt him filling her womb with his white hot seed. Dahlia slumped forward, the huge cock popping out of her as Link pulled back, the rest of his cum coating her sweaty muscular back.

After a moment of just lying there in the absurdly comfortable bed breathing in and out, Dahlia found her red mane of hair gripped in a small hand and her head pulled back along with it as she suddenly found the Queen in front of her, stripped down as well with a bare glistening pussy right in front of her face. Zelda smirked down at the dominated Gerudo with a glint in her eyes.

“Mm, we have you all night long yes? I’ve changed my mind; I think I’ll have a bit of you after all. Your mouth specifically. Get to work.”

Ah, of course. Her defeat would not be finalized until Zelda took her in hand in the Gerudo way. Dahlia appreciated the Queen’s recognition of her culture even as she leaned forward and began to eat the beautiful young Hyrulian out. Then, she froze upon feeling something pressing against her back door. Her eyes glanced up at Zelda’s face to find the Queen’s smile had turned positively evil.

“Oh, and if you thought Link was done with you quite yet, you’re mistaken. Mm, but don’t worry Dahlia. You’ll enjoy this.”

Then, the hero was pushing his cock, lubed up with their combined juices, into her virgin asshole and the proud warrior woman’s eyes rolled back in her head as she saw white. By the Goddess, it had been a mistake to test the Hyrulians, but Dahlia knew that it would be a mistake she enjoyed immensely.


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