Minor Update Regarding Tier Names (Patreon)
Hey guys, this is just a quick note about the names of my Patreon Tiers changing.
Nothing besides the names are changing and you do not have to do anything on your end. I'm just letting you guys know.
Basically, my current tiers are all holdovers of how my Patreon grew over the years. I added Epic 2.0 and Epic 3.0 later on so they have somewhat wonky names.
To bring everything in line with the Patreon of the modern day, some of the tier names have changed and a couple have stayed the same. Here's what they were before and are now.
Basic ($3) stays Basic
Not-so-Basic ($5) becomes Rare
Epic ($10) stays Epic
Epic 2.0 ($15) becomes Legendary
Epic 3.0 ($25) becomes Mythic
This feels a bit more appropriate rather than having three tiers called varying versions of Epic and the weird $5 tier being 'Not-so-Basic'.
Thank you for your time!