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Hey guys, just wanted to keep everyone up to date. I have enabled Charge Up Front on my Patreon. This feature does not affect ANY of you that are already pledged to me at this time. You will continue to be charged on the 1st of each month as you have been, moving forward.

Info about this feature so you can see I'm being transparent about this: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-What-is-charge-up-front-How-do-I-get-it- 

All the Charge Up Front feature does is make it so that people who pledge to me for a day or two and then unpledge after reading all of my Patreon Only content, can no longer do so for free. I've only had twelve of these people so far at this time, which is pretty good considering my rate of growth and how many of you have been legit and on the up and up so far.

Still, this feature that Patreon has  rolled out in beta seems to be a very creator friendly feature. The only downside however is that for whatever reason, I literally cannot turn it off now that I've turned it on. (I assume its a precaution on Patreon's side of things to prevent fraud.)

Anyways, I just didn't want it to look like I was being secretive or anything in regards to this. There's no reason for me to hide it or anything, its simply a new feature on Patreon that should help protect me and other creators. And as I said before, if you're already pledged to me, absolutely nothing is changing for you.

Thanks for reading =)


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