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Themes: Threesome, Breeding, Willing Bimbofication

Summary: Part 5 of Bodacious Bombshells. Hermione has a special Christmas present for Harry. She's made a new spell that makes her bimbo spell permanent but, with the side effect of increased fertility and birth control being rendered useless. And her mother, whose been feeling lonely since her husband unexpectedly died, wants to join the harem. Harry tells them that they didn't need to use the spells because they were already beautiful without them. But there's no denying that Harry does have a type and he ends up breeding both of them before Hermione offers the new spell to the other girls. 


“Are you both absolutely sure about this? We don’t have to do this if you’re having any doubts…”

Harry’s words cause Hermione and Emma Granger to exchange a glance for a moment before the latter of the two smiles somewhat sheepishly, shaking her head.

“I feel like that’s something I should be asking you two. I’m the one benefiting the most from all of this considering what’s being offered. But you both already have a relationship… I would hate to come between the two of you with my own baggage and nonsense.”

Hermione rolls her eyes and huffs, crossing her arms over her chest as she gives her mother and Harry unimpressed looks.

“Seriously? If anyone should be asking if the others are okay with this, obviously it should be me. Of course I’m okay with it, it’s my plan from start to finish! But you two… well, this is a big commitment, don’t think I know it. So if you’re having reservations, now is the time to say something.”

There’s a brief pause as all three of them just look at one another, waiting for one of the other two to speak up and call the whole thing off. When this doesn’t happen and the silence grows longer and longer, they all finally break down and start to laugh, giggling and chuckling in equal measure until tears are nearly streaming down from their eyes.

It’s Christmas Time, which means it’s Christmas Break from Hogwarts. Normally, Harry would have stayed at Hogwarts over the holidays like he always did… but this year, Hermione had asked him to come home to her place. But not just so he could celebrate the holiday with her and her mother… or at least, not in the normal way one celebrates Christmas with loved ones.

His brunette best friend had explained that ever since Hermione’s father had passed away, Emma Granger, Hermione’s mother, had been lonely. And no matter what Hermione had done, none of it had really helped Emma get out of her slump. Until finally, she’d come up with a plan.

And no, it wasn’t just to offer Emma a holiday threesome with her and Harry. It was a bit more complicated than that. Because Hermione hadn’t been idle after developing her beautification spell. No, she’d kept working on it, refining it and altering it until it was as perfect as it could get. And part of that perfection was the fact that her newest version of the spell was permanent.

That said, it did have one major side effect on top of being permanent. Namely, all forms of contraception, both magical and muggle, would no longer work. Birth control would be rendered useless, and fertility was increased tenfold. Or at least, that was what Hermione’s research said. They had yet to… test it properly. That was what they were here to do now.

Even knowing that Hermione and Emma were fully on board with it, Harry couldn’t help but feel a little weird about it all. He’d told them both that they were plenty beautiful enough without such a thing, but there was simply no denying that he had a type… and besides, Emma wasn’t letting Hermione cast the permanent version of the spell on her solely for Harry’s sake anyways. She was also doing it for herself.

“Alright then… shall we do this?”

Hermione holds her wand up, looking to her mother in anticipation. Emma bites her lower lip but nods with barely any hesitation as she straightens up.

“I’m ready.”

Emma Granger was a looker, to be clear. But she was also an aging muggle woman. She wasn’t ugly or even that old by any stretch of the imagination, and the few wrinkles that she did bear, she bore quite gracefully. Still… when Hermione incants the permanent version of her spell and uses it on Emma, the transformation is straight up out of this world.

Emma loses somewhere between ten to twenty years of age overnight, going from very clearly being Hermione’s mother to looking more like her older sister. On top of the deaging, she also gains a couple extra cup sizes to her bust, and while her waist and belly shrink, her hips expand outwards along with her ass.

By the time the magic is done transforming Emma Granger, she’s a drop dead gorgeous woman who could give even the most beautiful muggle swimsuit models a run for their money.

“… How does it feel?”

Emma looks down at herself for a second, running her hands over her new body. Then, she gives Hermione a wide, beaming smile through much more pillowy lips.

“It feels… amazing, Hermione.”

Hermione beams at that, but also quickly begins casting a few diagnostic spells on her mother. While she does so, Emma begins to moan.

“Oooh… I’m so much more sensitive now…”

Soon, the bimbofied widow’s clothes start to come off, stripping herself naked and exposing herself right before their eyes. Harry blushes just a little bit but doesn’t look away, feasting his gaze upon Emma Granger’s gorgeous bodacious bod as she finally strips entirely naked… and then zeroes in on him, her eyes filled with lust.

While Hermione is still casting diagnostic spells, Emma drops to her hands and knees and crawls over. She quickly extracts Harry’s cock from his pants and puts it in her mouth, her eyes remaining fixed on his face as she begins to suck him off right then and there.

“Err… Hermione? How are things looking?”

Rather than answer with words, Hermione just smirks as she turns her wand on herself and casts the permanent spell as well. Not much changes for his bookish friend though. She was already under the effects of the temporary spell after all, having stopped letting it truly wear off months ago by this point. She does let out a little shivering gasp though as the magic washes over her, before quickly removing her own clothing also.

Unlike Emma, who had to take off her clothes the old fashioned away, Hermione just vanishes her garments, leaving her in her birthday suit as she drops to her hands and knees and crawls up to kneel right alongside her mother in front of his cock.

“It worked… perfectly, Harry. Everything is looking amazing. So just relax and let us shower you with our Christmas Cheer~”

Harry can’t help but snort in amusement at that euphemism, but there’s no denying that they’re certainly showing him a lot of affection. Hermione and Emma both begin to work over his cock with their mouths, putting their pouty, pillowy lips and slutty tongues to good use on either side of his throbbing member.

At the same time, their hands are all over their own bodies, groping a sensitive breast apiece and fingering their gushing cunts down betwixt their thighs. Harry just stands there and groans, his head tilting back and his eyes drifting shut from the pleasure. They’re both very, very good at what they’re doing. He’s not sure if that’s Hermione’s spell at work or what, but he definitely never expected Emma Granger to be such an oral expert… regardless of her profession.

That said, with the two bimbofied beautiful bombshells working together, it’s not long at all before Harry’s groans take on a different tone entirely.

“Oh fuuuck… girls, I’m getting close!”

Hermione and Emma pick up the pace and a few moments later Harry tips over the edge. Blowing his load all over their beautiful faces and bodacious bodies, Harry shudders just looking at them. They look so fucking good covered in his jizz… and they seem to agree too, because they can’t help but moan happily as they rub his seed into their faces and tits without hesitation.

Harry doesn’t mind this one bit though. It’s not only quite the show, providing him with more than enough material to stay rock hard and ready for the next round, but also… he’s not really sure where to even start. Who is he supposed to fuck first? Hermione, because she’s the one who set this all up and she’ll always be his right-hand gal? Or Emma because it’s her first time with him and she deserves to not be quite so lonely anymore?

Luckily for him, he doesn’t have to choose. Hermione finishes groping and massaging his seed into her body first and immediately perks up.

“Fuck my mom first, Harry. Knock her up and breed her silly as a Christmas Present!”

Emma squawks a little at her daughter’s crass demands but doesn’t really fight it when Hermione grabs her mother by the hands and pulls her up over onto the nearby bed. In no time at all, Harry finds himself kneeling behind Emma with the gorgeous bimbofied MILF on all fours. Her beautiful bombshell body is all his for the taking, something Hermione makes sure he knows as she kneels beside him, rubbing herself against his side.

“Fuck her. Fucking take her, Harry. Conquer her new body and make her your bitch.”

With the way Emma is moaning and wiggling her hips back in his direction at the same time that Hermione is egging him on… Harry really doesn’t stand a chance. Letting out a lustful growl, he grabs Emma by her new hips, feeling just how good they feel in his grip as he then proceeds to sink his cock deep into her slutty, sopping wet cunt.

Emma Granger’s body is top notch now thanks to Hermione’s magic. Just the perfect amount of bouncy springiness and give. She’s not too soft but also not too firm either, and she has no wrinkles or stretch marks or anything from her previous life. She truly has been reborn with this new body… and as the first man to fuck her as she is now, it falls to Harry to do the deed, so to speak.

“H-Harder! Please! Oh god it feels so GOOD! Do it, Harry! Do as my daughter said and knock me up! I want it! I want to carry your babies! I want to be one of your women!”

Even Hermione falls quiet for a moment at Emma’s words, blinking down at her mother in surprise. But Harry can’t help fucking Emma even harder, plowing his lover’s mother from behind like it’s no one’s business but their own. Hermione, kneeling beside him, pants and moans as she fingers herself in tempo with Harry’s thrusting. But where Hermione is moaning, Emma is squealing up a storm.

Her hips thrust back into Harry’s cock over and over again and her pussy walls clench and flex around his member as she cums explosively so often and so fast that it all starts to blend together. Emma Granger’s new body is absolutely made for sin, with every inch of her form meant to be fucked and used and pounded silly.

The bimbofication is only physical, of course. The beautiful dentist still keeps her wits about her and will still be able to maintain a life in the muggle world while Harry and Hermione are at school for much of the year. She might have to change up how she dresses and does her makeup though. Instead of doing her makeup in a way that will make her look younger, Dr. Granger will now have to do her makeup in a way that makes her look as old as she’s supposed to be.

Ah, but all of that is for the future. Here and now in the present, Emma and Hermione have both asked him to do the exact same thing for the lonely widow. And so… Harry finally tips over the edge and lets loose. He fills and fills Emma Granger with his seed, pumping a hot thick load into the bodacious bombshell of a MILF. He cums in her womb like there’s no tomorrow, creampieing her inner walls and painting them white.

In response, Hermione’s mother squeals at the top of her lungs, arching her back and shaking and spasming for a moment before collapsing forward onto her face, completely passing out from the pleasure.

Harry, meanwhile, doesn’t waste time. One would think he would need a break after that, but honestly… he’s so turned on right now that he can’t even control himself. With a lustful growl, Harry pulls out of Emma and turns on Hermione in one fell swoop. The younger of the Granger Women only has a second to gaze down upon her mother’s creampied body with a pleased grin on her face before suddenly Harry has ahold of her and is tossing her down onto the bed right next to Emma.

Hermione squeaks… and then moans wantonly as Harry proceeds to fold her up into a mating press and plunge his massive member into her cunt a moment later. She’s drooling with arousal already of course, meaning that he doesn’t have to do anything to really start laying into her. Tits bouncing all over the place, pillowy lips forming a perfect ‘o’, Hermione’s eyes roll back in her head in short order as she squeals and cums her brains out on his cock.

But not before the brilliant brunette manages to give him one last directive to follow.

“M-Me next, H-Harry… please… please breed my slutty little p-pussy next. Fill me with your b-babies… turn me into your horny broodmare, j-just like my mother!”

With those words guiding his actions, Harry doesn’t hold back. He refuses to. He fucks Hermione relentlessly, even long after she loses the ability to form coherent sentences. He pounds her down into the mattress for so long and so hard that Emma actually recovers from her own ordeal, the transformed muggle woman lifting herself up from her face down, ass up position to watch him breed her daughter.

Fingering her creampied cunt, the beautiful MILF pants heavily, looking on at the way Harry is laying into Hermione. He can’t hold himself back at this point. Hermione’s body feels just too damn good. On top of that, the whole situation is too fucking sexy for him to try and put on the brakes. He’s fucked Hermione’s mother into a cream-filled mess. And now he’s doing the same to Hermione. What’s not to love?

With one last hoarse groan, barely audible over Hermione’s loud squeals and screams as she cums for him again and again, Harry lets loose. He fills Hermione with her Christmas Present as well, pumping her to the brim with his seed and almost certainly getting her pregnant… just like her mother.

Both Granger Women have been stuffed like a pair of stockings at this point. But as Harry pulls out of Hermione, Emma proves to be far from satisfied or full given the way she dives down to suck his messy cock into her mouth and clean him off with her tongue and lips.

Harry, his member still rock hard, realizes that for all he’s probably impregnated Hermione and her mother already… they’re far from done here. In fact, Winter Break and Christmas are just getting started. Which means they’re just getting started as well~


Osiris Sundavr

Nice. Now I’m going to take a shot in the dark that though Hermione says that no contraceptive will work, she really means nothing short of a condom will work right? And now they are permanently at least 10X more fertile too. I suppose no man’s pull out game will ever work again. It will just always result in a pregnancy.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-22 23:59:42 Wonder if he'll go after a Slytherin next, like Daphne...
2023-12-22 22:04:02

Colin Peden

I can't wait for the next chapter, I also think that Daphne from Slytherin should be the next one. Please! 🥹