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Hey everyone, so I was messaged by a couple of people about this earlier in the week but I didn't realize it was such a huge issue until I saw that there were 300-400 less votes on the Weekly Prompt Polls than usual.

Apparently, voting on polls via the Patreon App is currently broken and does not work. If you usually access my Patreon Page via the App, you will find yourself unable to vote on my Polls. 

The plus side is, there's an easy workaround for the time being... you can still vote on my polls via either the mobile website or PC website just fine. So if you haven't been able to get your votes in on say, my Story Polls, make sure to navigate over to one of those two options and vote now.

But also if you are encountering this issue please don't hesitate to send in reports about this bug to Patreon ASAP so that they can hopefully fix the App and things can return to normal soon.



I vote on the app as well. And it shows the change in percentage when the vote count is low, so I know it works.


Honestly this does make sense. I voted on the app, happened to go on the website later and the poll was the first thing that came up with no votes from me on it - assumed I'd just thought I voted but didn't so voted again xD