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Themes: Breeding, Mind Break, Marathon Sex

Summary: Part 2 of Worth It. As expected, Zeus didn’t react well to Paris's actions, who found himself lying in a smoking crater at the bottom of Tartarus. Fortunately for him, Persephone has other uses for him, namely giving her mother another child to take Demeter's mind off her. The one thing she didn't take into account was what would happen when the Goddess of Fertility blessed Paris the same way the last three goddesses did. 


Still… worth it.

Laying in a crater deep in the bowels of the Underworld, Paris lets out a soft groan that could, if mischaracterized rather uncharitably, be called a whimper. Every part of his body hurts right now, but Paris can’t bring himself to regret a single decision he’s made. Still… the consequences for his actions had been swift and punishing, as anticipated.

Zeus had not been happy to hear that he’d been cucked, hypocrite that he was. The Skyfather probably just wasn’t used to it, to be fair. His wife wasn’t just the Queen of the Gods, she was also the Goddess of Marriage. So for Hera to betray him… it had never happened before in spite of Zeus betraying her more times than could be counted.

There was just one little issue with Zeus’ decision to smite Paris down and attempt to erase him from the world. He hadn’t realized that Paris had become a God. God of Sex, God of Breeding… unfortunately, his domains didn’t lend themselves to fighting on a divine level, admittedly. Still, they were lowkey enough that when Zeus finally came to get his vengeance on Paris, he had thought he was taking down a simple mortal man, albeit one with a couple of divine blessings from the Goddesses he’d laid with.

And so, even though every fiber of Paris’ being hurt right now as he lay there in the crater Zeus had made using his body… he still lived. His divinity was a little frayed though, and he doubted he would survive another blow like that from the King of Gods. He would need to lie low for a little while, regather his strength, and figure out his next-

“Hello there.”

Paris jolts at the sudden voice from someone standing directly next to his man-shaped crater. Even the jolt causes him no small amount of pain as he groans, looking up to see who’s come upon him. It’s not the worst case scenario, he decides after a moment… but it’s still pretty bad.

Gazing down at him with a curious smile on her lips is Persephone, Queen of the Underworld and Daughter-Goddess to Demeter, Goddess of Agriculture and one of the Elder Olympians. Oh and speaking of, the younger Goddess’ mother is standing right next to her, gazing down at him with a slight frown on her lips.

Both are absolutely gorgeous, of course. Persephone has a slightly waifish physique, though she still has curves underneath the dress she wears quite well. Meanwhile, Demeter is built more like the MILF she is, with a larger bust, wider hips, and fatter ass than her daughter. She’s a woman that definitely lives up to one of her titles being ‘Goddess of Fertility’.

After staring at him for a long moment, Demeter looks to her daughter.

“Daughter, what are we doing here, exactly?”

Still smiling down at him, Persephone giggles.

“This is Paris, mother. Our newest kin. I know you’ve come to pick me up for our time together, but I thought we could stop by and pick him up as well before my husband arrived to lock him up in Tartarus.”

Wait, what? Hold on a second… did Zeus know that Paris was a God after all? Damn it all! He hadn’t held back his power at all then! He’d just known he couldn’t kill Paris easily without opening himself up to counterattack after the mortal man ascended to divinity! It sounded as though this was a bit of a one-two punch situation. Zeus sends Paris down to the Underworld, and Hades drags him the rest of the way even further down, dropping him into Tartarus.

For a moment, fear fills Paris’ every pore. Everything everyone in the mortal world knew about Tartarus said it was a hellish place where even the Gods feared to tread. What would happen to him if he was thrown down there?


Ah, but he needed to focus. Salvation was at hand if he played his cards right it seemed. As Demeter asks her daughter that simple question, Paris finds himself interested in Persephone’s answer as well. Hiding her widening smile behind a hand in an attempt at appearing demure, Persephone just giggles.

“Do I need a reason why, mother? I so rarely get a chance to ask anything of you, and this is my request… that we take him along with us. Besides, if it helps any, his disappearance will force Hades into an untenable position. Either my Lord Husband will have to lie to his brother and say he did as he was told, or he will have to tell Zeus that Paris escaped his grasp. Either way…”

“… Hades will suffer. You have convinced me, daughter.”

Persephone giggles some more.

“I knew I would, mother. Now let’s be off~”

Demeter gives him one last look… and then the earth itself swallows Paris up and his world goes dark. Not in a bad way though. He was already in so much pain… but suddenly that pain is alleviated and he can feel himself beginning to slowly, steadily start to heal.

It wasn’t that he was ungrateful, because he was actually extremely grateful for their intervention. But Paris couldn’t help wondering… just what were their intentions for him, really?



“Nnngh… h-harder! I still do not feel you as deep in my loins as I know you can reach!”

“As you say, Lady Demeter.”



Watching from a short distance away, Persephone bites her lower lip as she takes in the sight of her mother bouncing up and down on Paris’ cock. The Goddess of Fertility rides Paris like no one is watching… and perhaps she’s even forgotten Persephone’s presence. Moaning up a storm, Demeter runs her hands over her large, full breasts, even as she bounces up and down on the God of Sex’s big fat cock harder and faster by the moment.

This… this was Persephone’s plan come to fruition. This was her goal from the start, truth be told. When she’d first heard about Paris from her half-sisters and fellow Goddesses Aphrodite and Athena, Persephone hadn’t known what to think. She’d heard of Paris as a mortal man of course, but to find out that he’d gone and fucked three of the Olympians silly and ascended to godhood as a result… that was a bit insane.

Especially when one considered that one of those Olympians was Hera, Queen of the Gods. Despite Zeus betraying her damn near constantly, despite his continuous lapses in judgment, Hera had never cuckolded Zeus in turn. Until now.

That… that had made Persephone curious more than anything. But most of all was finding out what Paris’ domains were. Sex? Breeding? A plan had begun to form then, percolating in Persephone’s mind. The Queen of the Underworld held no doubts to what would happen once news of what Paris had done reached Zeus. And that it would so closely land on the same day that her mother came to retrieve her from the Underworld… yes, Persephone simply couldn’t help herself.

She didn’t hate her husband. Hades was not a bad spouse. He did not abuse her; he did not hurt her. But he’d still stolen her and Persephone was far from loving the King of the Underworld at this point. Maybe one day, but for now… she was still rather mad at him. Not even for stealing her away necessarily, but rather for what doing so had done to her mother.

And that… that was the true point of this plan. As Persephone watches Demeter bounce herself upon Paris’ cock, the Goddess of Fertility clearly greatly enjoying the God of Sex’s big fat divine cock, she smiles wickedly. The Queen of the Underworld’s own hands begin to wander across her body as she feels immense satisfaction at seeing her mother so happy.

Demeter had been a little unsure of Paris at first, but once they got him away from the Underworld and the prospective of being thrown into Tartarus, the Mortal-Turned-God had become much calmer and his suave, charming nature had started to come through. Breaking out lots and lots of Golden Ambrosia on top of Paris’ naturally likable demeanor had done the trick. One thing led to another and the God of Sex and Breeding and found himself the focus of a drunken Goddess of Fertility’s attention.

This was exactly what Persephone had wanted. She couldn’t escape Hades at this point. Their marriage was final and she was the Queen of the Underworld forevermore. But she could give her mother the chance to produce a couple of extra siblings for Persephone that would occupy Demeter’s time and distract her from the daughter who was lost to her for so much of each year.

Yes, this was-


Persephone blushes and bites her lower lip harder, dipping two fingers into her sex as her mother arches her back and cums HARD. From the look of things and the groan that spills forth from Paris’ lips, he’s cumming too. At long last, the God of Breeding is filling the Goddess of Fertility with his virile seed. There’s no doubt in Persephone’s mind what will come of this.

Though she’s a little caught off guard when Demeter suddenly falls forward, grabs Paris by the face, and pulls him in to a tongue-filled kiss. She’s even more surprised when it’s very, very obvious that the Elder Olympian is conveying a blessing of her own onto Paris, just as the other three Goddesses had done. She hadn’t expected Demeter to like Paris THAT much. She’d figured this would just be something of a fling…

“Now… the same for my daughter.”

Wait, what?!

Persephone freezes as Demeter slides herself off of Paris’ massive cock and the both of them rise to look her direction. Caught out with both hands in her dress very obviously touching herself, the Queen of the Underworld blushes as they begin to approach.

“I-I’m not sure that’s a good idea, m-mother. Hades would-!”

“Hades does not have you right now, my dearest daughter. The arrangement is very simple, is it not? He gets you for his time, and I get you for mine. He has no room to complain about what might happen to you while you are with me. He shouldn’t be surprised, really… after all, am I not the Goddess of Fertility?”

Persephone is struck mute by her mother’s reasoning. She’d always thought she got her conniving side from her father. He was certainly a big enough scoundrel for it. But now… now she’s seeing a side of her mother she’d never seen before. On the one hand, Hades definitely wouldn’t see it that way. On the other hand, her time with her mother was just beginning. Gods and Goddesses were mercurial creatures. Her pregnancy, if she allowed such a thing to occur, did not need to last the length of a mortal woman’s.

“I will not force you, Persephone. But… you will enjoy him. Just as you knew I would.”

And there it is. Demeter knew about Persephone’s scheme. She’d gone through with it anyways. She’d let Paris fuck her and knock her up. And now… how could Persephone say no?

Blushing profusely, the Queen of the Underworld rolls over onto all fours and hikes her dress up out of the way. Then, she reaches back and spreads her pussy lips apart with two fingers, showing off her cunt to the God of Sex and Breeding that she’s convinced her mother to bring with them. Needless to say, she’s beginning to realize she should have expected this.

Paris’ hands fall upon her hips a moment later and his divine cock pierces to her core a second after that. Persephone’s eyes widen and her mouth drops open as he fills her with his meat. She was no virgin of course. And yet… and yet, sex had never felt so good. But then… no shit. God of Sex. Duh.

Paris wastes no time. He takes it slow only so long as she needs him to, which between her arousal and his divine technique, is honestly no time at all. He begins fucking her harder and faster soon enough, causing Persephone to mewl and cry out as she’s plowed from behind by the handsome young god. He was just a mortal man a short time ago. And then he fucked three of her fellow Goddesses into a stupor to the point that both Athena and Aphrodite had come to her to sing his praises. She wasn’t even that close to either of her half-sisters!

She should have known he was dangerous when two very different Goddesses had both had nothing but glowing words of praise for him. But then, maybe she had. Maybe… maybe she’d wanted this all along.

Demeter circles around in front of her as Persephone is fucked on her hands and knees like a common bitch. Kneeling down, she grasps her daughter’s face by the cheeks, giving her a wide, rosy smile.

“That’s my girl. That’s my Persephone.”

Blushing profusely and feeling not at all like the Queen of the Underworld she was supposed to be, Persephone whines piteously.


Demeter just laughs.

“Oh, you have no problem watching your mother having the ride of her long, eternal existence, but when it’s you being watched, that’s where you draw the line? Mm, I fear that worthless sack of shit Hades is rubbing off on you daughter… do try not to become as Hypocritical as him and my other brothers, please.”

Persephone bites her lower lip and hesitantly nods. She would try. She would- oh fuck that feels amazing. The young goddess’ eyes roll back in her head and she sees stars for a moment as Paris brings her to climax with his big fat cock. He fucks her like an animal, like a divine beast. He fucks her like there’s no one there but the two of them, in spite of her mother’s presence.

He fucks her… like there’s no tomorrow. Maybe there isn’t for him. He’s escaped Zeus’ clutches once, but Hades will soon have far more reason to want to help Zeus catch him. Paris is living on borrowed time now, and Persephone doesn’t know what he’s going to do next after this.

… But it doesn’t matter. Because all that matters is right here and right now and being fucked by his singularly impressive divine cock. Persephone loses track of just how many orgasms she has on Paris’ member. She loses track of how many times he cums inside of her as well. She and her mother… they fuck Paris back to back for what feels like days, weeks… even months.

She definitely gets pregnant along the way. But they just keep fucking. And it is… fantastic.

No, more than fantastic.

It’s so, so… worth it.


Osiris Sundavr

Will he get with Amphitrite, Hestia, Rhea, and/or Gaea? Pretty much all the unhappy wives? Well Hestia is single but you get what I mean. I can see him becoming a god of Polygamy too at this rate. Demeter decides to go and chats with her sisters. Hestia gets a little curious and likes what she hears/finds. Meanwhile, Hera then decides she is totally done with Zeus’s hypocrisy and performs the first Divine Greek Divorce. Why would the wives go back to husbands that just screw every other woman that takes their fancy if they have found someone better? After all if they wish to act like bachelors and be unfaithful to their wives, let them. You could even have him expressly loyal to his multiple wives and not seek out other women, just give him a Loyalty and Marriage domain. Perhaps even Family from Hestia. She is only a virgin goddess by her own choice, not oath-bound, since she got Zeus to agree that nobody but herself could force her to marry. Which effectively made her off-limits on penalty of death unless SHE approached you. The Loyalty and Polygamy domains can come from the combined blessings of Family, Marriage, and his repeatedly having multiple sexual partners.

Eric Rudolph (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-22 09:42:19 Is there the option hor a quadople kill if he breeds Rhea the mother of the big three olympians?
2024-01-19 18:34:44 Is there the option hor a quadople kill if he breeds Rhea the mother of the big three olympians?

Is there the option hor a quadople kill if he breeds Rhea the mother of the big three olympians?