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Themes: Fivesome, Breeding, Anal Sex

Summary: In which the girls from Part 1 get their fondest desire by being railed by Ash Ketchum.


Needless to say, when the foursome agreed to help Ash move into his mansion today, none of them had known exactly how this day was going to go. And yet, after watching the Alolan Champion fuck not just two of their mothers but also the Champion of the Sinnoh Region and arguably one of the strongest women in the world… was there any other way it could wind up going except for this?

Of course, despite the joke Ash had made about letting them have their food or letting them have him, he hadn’t actually followed through on that. Instead, after gauging their reactions, he’d smirked and laid down the law before any of them could reply. He’d handed over their food and said to meet him at the pool around back of the mansion in two hours… and made it abundantly clear what would happen there by also telling them to bring whatever swimsuits they wouldn’t mind being ripped apart.

And with that, Alola’s Champion had left the room before any of the foursome could formulate a reply, leaving them to eat in silence and then all retreat to retrieve their respective swimsuits as well as prepare themselves for what was to come.

But before any of them knew it, the two hours had elapsed. May, Dawn, Zoey, and Serena all found themselves downstairs in the back of Ash’s mansion, ready to step out into the pool area together. All of them are wearing bikinis and there’s not a single one-piece between them. May’s is orange, Zoey’s is red and white, Dawn’s is blue, and Serena’s is pink and white.

They all spend a moment checking one another out, both to scope the competition… and something else perhaps. They HAD all hopelessly masturbated together while watching Ash fuck their moms and Cynthia. Even if he hadn’t subsequently caught them afterwards, their relationships with one another would still have changed irrevocably after today.

Finally, Serena lets out an explosive breath and steps forward, causing the other three girls to follow after her. Together, the foursome walks out of the back of the mansion and into the pool area. The Champion’s Mansion is a place where the Champion of Alola is expected to train himself and his Pokemon just as much as he’s expected to relax and enjoy the comforts of being on top of the world.

As such, it’s no ordinary swimming pool that resides behind Ash’s new home, but rather a large pool with a lap section and everything. That’s where Ash is when they all come out to see him. They all assume he’s wearing swim trunks at first of course even as they admire the rippling muscles of his back… but no. They quickly realize Ash isn’t wearing anything at all. Completely naked, the young man is making his way from one end of the pool to the other in record time, his entire toned and wiry body on display as he does so.

Finally though, he comes up out of the pool after his twentieth lap, causing them all to go bright red as their eyes are drawn down his glistening form to his crotch. Sure, they’d technically already seen all of this earlier. But that was in the video. This… this was real life and seeing Ash in the very literal flesh had the four girls all biting their lower lips in unison and blushing up a mad storm as they squirm in anticipation of what was to come.

Ash just smiles. He doesn’t say a word, even. But then, does he really have to? No, of course not. They watched. They masturbated. They loved seeing him fuck their mothers along with Champion Cynthia. And they all want the same thing… for him to fuck them. They wouldn’t have come here wearing these bikinis if they didn’t want that.

As such, Ash doesn’t say a word. He doesn’t bother engaging in any normal forms of foreplay either. The Alolan Champion could have asked them all to give him sexy strip dances and they would have. He could have had them all kneel before him and fight over his cock with their mouths… they would have. He could have demanded they all beg for him to try and fight for his attention and they definitely would have.

He doesn’t do any of that. He just walks right up to Serena, whether it’s because she’s in the front of the pack or just for some other undiscernible reason, and goes ahead and grabs hold of her, feeling up her body and all its curves.

Serena gasps, a little caught off guard by the suddenness of Ash’s actions. She blushes even harder but lets him feel her up and moans a little as he casually gropes her tits and ass through her bikini. It only lasts for a few seconds, however. Then, he moves onto Dawn and does the same with her. She’s just as flushed, breathing heavily and panting and moaning at his touch.

Zoey growls in jealousy, prompting Ash to grin at her and go to her next, making her squirm as he squeeze her rather large chest. Indeed, Zoey had a bigger set of tits then both Dawn and Serena, who were each about comparable in size. It doesn’t surprise them all when he spends a little longer on her bust then he did theirs. It DOES surprise them when he goes in and gives Zoey’s ear a little nibble, making the normally stern woman squeak.

Giving her a knowing smirk, he then moves on to May. May’s breasts are even bigger than Zoey’s and though Zoey’s were a bit firmer to the touch, Ash very visibly enjoys molesting and mauling May’s huge rack the most. He even goes so far as to kiss her deeply, dominating her mouth with his tongue and working it in and around.

The other three don’t think much of it… until a ripping sound fills the air as Ash proceeds to tear May’s orange bikini top and bottoms clear off her body, not even asking her for a ‘by your leave’ before just shredding the swimsuit right there on the spot. To be fair, he HAD warned them all that their swimwear wouldn’t survive this encounter. Still, it’s only then that the other girls realize May has somehow been chosen to go first, as Ash pulls back from kissing her for a moment to give her a wicked smirk.

“Chair. Pool. Or Ground?”

May bites her lower lip for a moment, quivering there in her nudity before finally stuttering out an answer.

“G-Ground is f-fine…”

Despite his aggressive actions so far, Ash isn’t so mean as to sweep her feet out from under her or toss her to the ground or anything violent like that. He lays her down on the ground almost gently, putting her on her back and spreading her legs for her, albeit rather forcibly. May moans as his cockhead suddenly presses against her slit without any warning. Though one could argue that everything so far should have been plenty enough warning for her.

Still, the brunette almost doesn’t feel ready when Ash sinks his throbbing manhood into her dripping slit. Sure she’s completely sopping wet even before he takes her virginity and begins fucking her right there next to the pool in front of all the others… but how can anyone be ready for someone like Ash? In the end, May gurgles and claws at the ground beneath her, shuddering as Ash takes her to pound town while also reaching up to grope her large chest.

Her eyes roll around in her head as she quickly cums all over his cock. He’s just… so good at this. So very, very good at this. H-How did he get this good without any of them knowing?!

Ash looks up from May at the others, smiling a winning smile at all of them as he chuckles and fucks the brunette beauty beneath him. The other three have blushes on their faces as well as obvious jealousy, though when Ash gives them all a pointed look, they begin to masturbate to the sight, preparing themselves for him. That’s when he speaks, almost like he read May’s mind.

“You girls should count yourselves lucky. It was only a few months ago that Cynthia and Diantha decided to pop my cherry.”

Cynthia… AND Diantha?! Eyes bulge at hearing this, even as Ash sighs in fond remembrance while still ball’s deep inside of May.

“They thought they were getting a boy toy to share between them… plus rewarding me at the same time of course. But… well, you girls know me. I don’t do anything at half-speed. And I don’t backdown from a challenge, even if it seems impossible to overcome.”


Beneath him, May continues to moan up a storm, her eyes fully rolled up in her head at this point. She might not even be hearing what he’s saying. The other girls are all hanging off his every word though. Too bad for them they’re going to have to wait a second before he continues. Letting out a grunt, Ash picks up the pace with May, making her squeal all the louder and cum all the harder on his pistoning prick.

Then, he finishes deep inside of her. But he doesn’t stop there. He doesn’t leave her to recover while continuing his story. No, instead Ash immediately pulls out of May and stands up… but takes her lower half with him. Pulling May’s legs and ass up into the air and resting her weight on her shoulders and head, he puts the delirious, moaning brunette into a butter churner position… and then drives his messy, well-lubricated cock down into her virgin ass as well for good measure.

May squeals as the other three freeze up at the display of casual sexual violence. Their eyes are wide and for a moment they think Ash is hurting May. None of them would know what to do if that was actually the case. Save their friend, or let her suffer so they can have their own turns? But as it turns out, they don’t need to worry. May’s squeals quickly turn into wanton moans as Ash just smirks, proving his earlier words true.

“I sort of became a Master of Sex before I truly became a Pokemon Master. Cynthia and Diantha speculate that this was my true calling all along.”

Ash shrugs, even as he pounds May’s asshole unrepentantly and unforgivingly while May squeals and shudders, her creampied pussy squirting back onto her folded up body and coating her face and tits in both her own pleasured juices as well as Ash’s freshly delivered load.

“Apparently, I’m just not that talented when it comes to Pokemon. But when it comes to sex, I’m beyond talented… I’m a natural sex prodigy.”

May’s eyes are rolled up in her head again as Ash jackhammers down on her ass with punishing force. But the other three girls are still hanging off his every word.

“Needless to say, I took their words a little personally. I went ahead and became Champion of Alola to prove them both wrong, but they claim that’s just hard work and years upon years of hard-earned skill, not any actual natural talent. Maybe they’re right. But they both call me daddy now when I fuck them silly just the way they like it, so really, who am I to complain?”

Ash delivers one last thrust to May’s ass while grinning at the other three girls, filling her bowels with his seed.

“You all can call me daddy too, if you like.”

The reminder that he’d been with two of their moms on top of two of the female Pokemon Champions has them all blushing even harder. Pulling out of May’s ass with a squelching noise, Ash lifts the insensate brunette up off the ground and lays her on one of the lounge chairs nearby. Then, he signals for Zoey specifically to approach.

Breath hitching, Zoey does as she’s ordered, walking up to him while biting her lower lip in anticipation. At which point Ash just repeats himself from earlier.

“Chair. Ground. Or Pool?”

Glancing around them, Zoey smirks herself, trying to cover up her nervousness.

“W-Well… we’re already here. S-So chair.”

Ash smiles a knowing smile right back, very clearly seeing through her false bravado. Zoey can only gasp as she’s grabbed by her short choppy hair and yanked around. Her swimsuit doesn’t survive any longer than May’s did as she’s subsequently bent over the lounge chair, forced onto all fours… not that she’s fighting it. Soon enough, Ash is ball’s deep inside of the Pokemon Coordinator, fucking her pussy like there’s no tomorrow.

He growls as he pounds Zoey from behind, continuing to pull her head up by his grip on her hair, forcing her to arch her back as she moans up a storm with every impact of his crotch against her ass and every slamming, punishing thrust into her squelching pussy.

“I know all about you and Dawn, you know.”

Both young women freeze at that. Of course Ash knows they’re girlfriends. But this seems like more than that. There’s a note of something deeply, darkly amused in the Champion’s voice that makes it clear he’s talking about something a bit… deeper.

“Johanna caught the two of you going at it. She told me about your… roleplay.”

Zoey is in no position to blanch at that, too busy moaning up a storm as Ash takes her to pound town. But Dawn definitely goes a little while with mortification, looking horrendously embarrassed that not only did her mother catch her having sex with her girlfriend, but…

Ash looks right at Dawn as he continues to plow her tomboy girlfriend from behind, fucking her silly. And Dawn just looks right back, her knees quaking with what she knows he’s about to say.

“Having Zoey pretend to be me while wearing a strap-on Dawn? For shame. You’re lucky Zoey didn’t develop an inferiority complex over that sort of thing.”

Dawn whimpers, averting her gaze. Then she jolts when Zoey actually manages to get out an answer.

“I-I did… k-knew I could never m-measure up to you, A-Ash… so I f-fell for you t-too…”

Now Dawn looks stricken. Ash just hums. On the one hand, that was pretty fucked up. But on the other hand, even if Zoey’s crush on him had started under pretty dark circumstances, it was obvious from how wet she was for him and how often she was cumming on his cock right now that she had truly fallen down the rabbit hole. Heh, a pair of lesbians turn out to be bisexual for their male best friend… and he’s the one who profits.

Smacking Zoey’s firm ass, he goes ahead and fills her with his seed before pulling out and doing the same thing to her that he did to May… he immediately spreads her butt cheeks wide and slams home into her virgin backdoor without warning, without mercy, and with plenty of gusto.

Zoey cries out as Dawn squeaks at the rough display. To which Ash just smiles at the other girl and then looks down at the woman he’s currently butt fucking.

“I don’t mind you pretending to be me, Zoey. In fact, I want you to continue pretending to be me. I’m only one man and I can’t always be everywhere all the time. When I’m not around, I can count on you to fill in for me with Dawn at least, yeah?”

“Y-Yus… yes s-sir…”

Chuckling, Ash continues to butt fuck Zoey doggystyle, planting punishing thrust after punishing thrust in her bowels.

“Of course, you definitely need to feel HOW I fuck my women if you’re going to properly emulate me, aren’t you? So let me show you just how you do it so that you can repeat this later with Dawn.”

With that, Ash picks up the pace even more… making Zoey squeal as her eyes roll up in her skull. She’s tough to be fair, so Ash goes ahead and gives it to her with that at the forefront of his mind. Tough as Zoey is, she gets it the hardest and the roughest of all four girls, though they don’t know that yet. And as mortified as Dawn is, it’s obvious that deep down inside she loves the sight of her girlfriend being fucked and bred by the man they’ve both come to love.

Finally finishing in Zoey’s ass, Ash wastes no time in pulling out of her and stepping away. Since she’s already on the lounge chair he doesn’t even have to move her to one, just leaving her face down and ass up, her holes slowly releasing some of his seed as she shudders and lets out shaky breaths, steadily recovering.

Meanwhile, Dawn is up next, with Ash not even hesitating to snap her blue bikini off her body one piece after the other. As her breasts and rock hard nipples are laid bare along with her slippery, slutty wet pussy, Ash just raises an eyebrow at her. She knows the drill by now after all.

“P-Pool please.”

Humming, Ash nods and leads her into the water. They start with her back against the pool edge and him holding her up as her legs lock around his waist. His cock slides right into her, not just because of how wet she already was for him, but also because of the cool slickness of the pool water they submerge themselves in.

With Ash kicking to keep them afloat, all May has to do is wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, holding on as she moans while he bounces her upon his cock. Water sloshes all over the place, but there’s no denying he’s a lot nicer with Dawn then he was with her girlfriend. It’s not like he’s gentle or anything, but he’s also not nearly as brutal.

Still… as Dawn moans and throws her head back, cumming again and again on Ash’s magnificent mast, the Alolan Champion hums and then speaks his mind.

“I’m going to need you to beg for it, Dawn.”

That causes her eyes to snap forward, her attention solely on him. After all…

“N-None of the others had to though…”

Ash grins wickedly. Technically he’s already inside of her, but they both know what he’s talking about. He’s not talking about the penetration, that was a foregone conclusion. He’s talking about the creampie.

“The others don’t have a breeding fetish a mile wide, Dawn. Oh sure, I’ll knock them up and they’ll happily bear my children… but you’re the one who wants to be my broodmare, don’t you?”

Dawn gets redder and redder, embarrassed out of her mind as she whimpers.

“M-Mom told you about THAT part t-too?!”

Ash just laughs as he continues to fuck Dawn from below.

“Of course she did. She wants grandchildren who can be playmates with her upcoming child, after all.”

Dawn startles at that news, looking delighted but also jealous at the same time. And finally, a moment later…

“P-Please! Please fucking knock me up, Ash! Please breed me! I don’t care how you treat me otherwise! Use me and abuse me! Treat me like a piece of furniture if you want! I don’t even need to be your lover! All I want is to be your broodmare! All I want is to be the mother to your children!”

And there it was. Almost verbatim from what Johanna told Ash that Dawn liked to shout out while Zoey was roleplaying as him and fucking her from behind with that strap-on. Only this time, Dawn is saying it right to his face. She’s talking to the real deal now and he can see the excitement in her eyes at that fact. With a lustful growl, Ash picks up the pace and fucks her harder, making the water splash out of the pool behind Dawn and getting all over the place.

Finally though, he cums inside of her… which of course means they move onto her other hole. Dawn clearly isn’t as sure she’s ready for that, but Ash isn’t exactly taking ‘no’ for an answer right now. She had her chance to back out earlier and now that she’s here… she’s his.

Pulling out of her and spinning her around, Ash has Dawn grab the pool’s edge as he pulls her ass out towards him under the water. Still kicking powerfully to keep himself afloat, Ash drives his entire length into Dawn’s ass in one go, the water itself providing lubrication this time… but of the rather cold variety as Dawn’s eyes shoot wide open and she squeals from the anal intrusion.

Needless to say, given Dawn’s incredibly huge breeding kink, she would have preferred every last one of Ash’s loads to be deposited into her ass for maximum impregnation. But also equally clear was that Ash wasn’t about to let any of his girls get away with anything but every single lower hole being filled, at least for their first time. He might not have done anal with any of the older women on the recording they watched, but that was also clearly far from Ash’s first time fucking their mothers and Cynthia.

Even if it’s never going to be her favorite hole, Ash is most definitely her favorite man so Dawn still finds herself cumming from the butt fucking she receives, gurgling and moaning up a storm as her eyes roll around in her head. The feel of the water makes the pounding feel good, with the cool pool water providing constant lubrication and the buoyancy making the entire experience seem almost out of this world. Until finally, Ash finishes inside of her bowels as well.

He helps her out of the pool after that and sends her on shaky legs over to the lounge chairs with a slap on her ass. Only then does Ash turn to the fourth and final girl waiting for her turn. Serena blushes, having already stripped out of her bikini somewhat impatiently. But if he’s upset with the blonde, Ash certainly doesn’t show it as he smiles and steps up to her.

“All those years ago, you partially woke me up with that kiss. I just didn’t know how to use what I was feeling until Cynthia and Diantha got their hands on me. But now… now I can return the favor to you, just like I did with them.”

Serena’s breath hitches, only for the blonde to let out a surprised eep when Ash doesn’t ask her the same question he asked the others. But then to be fair, there were only three options, weren’t there? Chair. Pool. And Ground. And since all three options have already been used up, that left only one other choice, didn’t it?


Ash grabs Serena and lifts her into the air, showing impressive upper and lower body strength as he sets himself like a tree and subsequently impales her upon his large, thick ‘branch’. As his massive cock spears up into Serena’s cunt, the blonde shrieks in pleasure, her toes curling as she cums on the spot. But then to be fair to Serena, she HAD been watching all this time. Her own form of foreplay or torture, whatever you want to describe it, and she’d been unable to do anything but soak in the sights as Ash had fucked everyone but her.

Now though, he was finally inside of her. Pounding her upon his cock in a standing fuck, Ash grunts, letting her weight come down on him again and again as he thrusts up into her. Serena, meanwhile, gurgles and moans, holding onto him for dear life. Unlike Dawn, she doesn’t have the water to keep her up. Only Ash’s hands on her ass and his cock in her cunt. If he let go, she’d fall. If he pulled out of her, she’d fall.

So she clings to him for dear life and loses her mind from the wild pleasure of being so helpless and utterly within his control. He has her right where he wants her and as he fucks her, Serena loses her mind from the pleasure.

No more is this obvious then when Ash finally finishes inside of her twat… and then subsequently pulls out of her and spins her around, plopping her asshole down upon his cock next. She’s still held aloft, she’s still up in the air, but now her back is against his chest and he’s holding her by her thighs instead of her ass as he fucks up into her from below ceaselessly and without mercy.

This also allows Ash to bring his lips right next to Serena’s ear… and allows him to direct her towards the camera recording their every move.

“Look over there, Serena. Do you see it? We’re being watched right now~”

Serena’s eyes snap forward in her skull as she sees what he’s talking about. The Champion’s Mansion has a robust security system of course, but she’s pretty sure security cameras are supposed to sweep back and forth… not just stare directly at her and Ash while he fucks her asshole.

“My other women have access to my security system. Meaning that someone is watching us fuck right now. It could even be your mother.”

Serena shudders and quivers at that, her eyes going wide.

“Of course, it might not be here… but you don’t need to worry. Even if she’s not watching live, she’ll have been sent a recording by the end of the hour and almost definitely watch this video before the end of today.”

Gasping for breath, Serena finds herself clenching down on Ash’s cock and climaxing from the thought of her mother seeing her like this being an inevitability. But of course, Ash isn’t done yet.

“Heh, Grace said she got her big breasts, huge ass, and hourglass figure from being pregnant with you. I wonder if you’ll develop the same body shape after giving birth to my child.”

That… that proves to be the final straw. Serena goes crazy, squealing at the top of her lungs.


Shortly after that, Ash finishes in her as she goes cross-eyed, his seed painting her bowels white just like all the others. Speaking of the others… Ash hums as he slowly walks over to the nearby lounge chairs, pulling Serena off of his cock only once he gets over to them. Setting her down, he smiles as he looks over at the other girls. Most of them are still tired and trying to recover, but May at least looks eager and ready for Round Two at this point.

Looking her directly in the eye as Serena still quivers and trembles on the lounge chair below him, Ash smiles at May.

“The night is still young girls. And I’m still raring to go.”

May smiles right back as she rises and begins making her way towards him. Zoey and Dawn also both perk up, though they remain lounging for the moment as they wait for their turns again.

Meanwhile, it’s not Johanna who is watching the entire experience live, but actually Lusamine in her office. Licking her lips, the beautiful blonde MILF giggles as she fingers herself to the sight.

“Mm, need to make some edited videos for Grace and Johanna later~”

Then, Lusamine glances over at another of her monitors on her desk. This one shows a recording of her own office from earlier, where Lillie, Mallow, and Lana can be seen masturbating to the video they’d watched of her and the others with Ash.

Lusamine’s smile grows positively shark-like as she reaches out and smears pussy-juice coated fingers across the screen.

“And you three… you three are next~”



Well, I thought that was a fun addition. Admittedly, Lusamine at the end was a nice touch!


I feel like it's a crime to have pool sex without the OG pool girl Misty.... for shame whoever has excluded her. For sssssshame.