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Ranting about the concerns about gooning going mainstream and how my opinions are informed by the subcultures I grew up in


Ace Moorcock

I am pretty ambivalent to the "gooning going mainstream" discussion. I'll be honest, the parts of the kink I'm most into are also the most problematic and least likely to ever get picked up by the mainstream: porn addiction, loserbating, chronic masturbation, gooncaps, hypno edits. I could care less about a guy making faces in his videos - and TBH, those goon-appropriation videos probably drive more people down the rabbit hole to the weirder stuff I like eventually.


Yeah even while recording this I was like "There's like war in other countries..." hahaha I feel like the memes stop at the "Gooning is funny faces" misinformation

Jay Olsen

you so get it! authentic insights. gooning for me is getting out of the way of myself. it's isolative, out of the spotlight, and removes limits to my penising pleasure. only porn & perversion & losers. couldn't care less about mainstream or poseurs.


PREACH, B8 BRO! IMHO, it never will be mainstream - it takes hard work, dedicated practice, and even then... Reaching a goon state isn't something you can turn on like a switch. (Reading what I just wrote makes it sound like enlightenment. And maybe that's just what it is...)


Man I have so many thoughts about this topic, I'd love to have a chat about it sometime. I also go pretty far back in the solosexual/edger/gooner life. I was edging for 3-4 hours at a time within the first year after I started masturbating regularly, and it only got more intense with time. For the longest time it was just me and what I did. I didn't know of any community about it until I first signed up to BW in 2013. I mostly lurked there until recent years when I started to get more involved in the community, such as it is. I will say that I think the reason for the negative reaction to gooning by the outside community is partly fair and partly unfair. A lot of it is undeserved, I will grant. BUT something I think that is new to gooning/edging in recent years (like last 4-5) is how prevalent the "I'm a loser porn-addicted, porn-induced erectile dysfunction loser virgin bator who flunked out of school/lost my job/actively avoids social contact just to bate my dong all day" idea has become. From my recollection, that was not present, or not very present in the community circa 2013. But now it's like 80-85% of the goon caps I see on Twitter/Reddit/Discord cover one of those themes and that is where a lot of non-gooners are first coming into contact with gooning and it's not painting a positive picture for them. To any outsider it looks like willful self-harm and self-abuse. Which sure, maybe most gooners are like me and understand that those tropes like being loser virgins or helpless porn-addicted shut-ins are just fake and fantasy. Much like how people can engage in dom/sub play but they both recognize it is fantasy and not reality. BUT I feel like it's not super clear and I've met more than a few gooners, particularly new ones, who believe in those things for real, like really for real. But for me gooning/edging has always been a positive thing. I'm not less social, I have lots of new gooner friends now! I'm not a sexless loser, I have had and will continue to have sex and enjoy it equally alongside gooning. In fact I consider gooning with my buds to be a form of sex. Porn addiction...isn't real. Seriously. No serious psychological research backs that up. Psychological study of porn found no correlation between addiction and porn usage, but what they DID find was that the more religious a person was, the more likely they were to DESCRIBE their porn usage as an "addiction" no matter how much porn they actually consumed. THAT is where "porn addiction" comes from. Religious nuts who feel guiltly about breaking their own rules so they call it an addiction to absolve themselves of guilt and lay the blame on the nasty porn producers who got them "hooked" into sinning. As for being PIED, fuck I don't know enough about it. I will say population Testosterone rates have been dropping for years, people are overworked and overstressed and underpaid, especially young people, and all of that could also contribute to not being able to get it up. I don't know, it has never been a problem for me, but I will grant that some people might actually suffer from this due to gooning. Maybe. But so many goon caps latch onto these tropes and then non-gooners see that shit and understandably are like "wow that's some toxic fucking self-abuse shit right there." Anyways I just realize I typed almost a goddamn essay on a Patreon post so I'm going to stop, but yeah I'd love to chat about all of this sometime. I think a lot about gooning and the gooner community at large and other topics related to this.


Yeah there’s definitely some people with large platforms and even larger misconceptions about gooning (and other issues) that took it upon themselves to make statements and misinform the public. That being said it’s really no use to waste your energy trying to reeducate the willfully ignorant and just focus on masturbating like a good masturbator