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If you read my tumblr post, im currently in Japan. My laptops ac adapter broke during my flight, and im currently trying to find a replacement... im very sorry for the lack of content, but i will try and resolve this as soon as possible. ;w;


Elric Grasso

I'll get ya a new one!

Raven Heart

Noooooo ;-; Sorry to hear that, hope things get solved soon.

Daniel Kochen

What kinda ac adapter do you need? I got a spare one for a Dell model i could send you


Thank you for the offer, but i have a lenovo with a slim tip charger. Most of the shop keepers i asked did not have stock and directed me to amazon..


Don’t worry about it bro. Just have fun out there! I’m sure japan is amazing this time of year👍


Hit up the other side of Akihabara- them guys probably got the goods


I'd like to see what souvenirs you get!