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Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that i'll be taking a quick rest (couple days only). I've had very bad hacking cough for the last two weeks, so i've been very slow getting drawing done.. 

To those i have pending commission with, please bear with me! I will get back to them when I've recovered a little. I dont want my cough to develop into pneumonia or anything.. ;w;

Very sorry! ><



get as much rest as you can dude.


health comes first dude, rest up and get well soon


No sweat dude take care if yourself, we'll be here.


Rest up and get better! Working while sick is terrible.


Get well soon! Just went through the same thing last week and it was not fun.

Mojomon (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 01:42:32 Take it easy mate &lt;3 Look after your health first.
2018-07-11 07:09:36 Take it easy mate <3 Look after your health first.

Take it easy mate <3 Look after your health first.