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Sorry i have not been posting again,

but getting ill every month has been a more common occurrence lately..




Dont worry man, be sure to rest up!


Aaah! Nate get well!! It's unfortunate but hope you recover nicely

Mike Smith

Rest friend


cute, but sorry to hear, hope u get better soon, just don't push yourself


Rest well and get better.


Clear your mind when you sleep. Drink some tea or count some sheep. For tons of stress under duress do not help, but cause a mess. Calm your mind and bless your soul, let restful sleep make you whole. For much less coughing and no disease, here's a feather now try to sneeze. Get well soon eh. Take easy, maybe try some pizza..extra cheesy?

Mojomon (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 01:41:23 Me too mate..... me too. Feel your pain as I am also rip af and in bed. Let's both rest up, much love <3
2018-10-24 12:33:58 Me too mate..... me too. Feel your pain as I am also rip af and in bed. Let's both rest up, much love <3

Me too mate..... me too. Feel your pain as I am also rip af and in bed. Let's both rest up, much love <3


I hope you are fine! Drink water and chicken soup! ❤