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Sorry for lack of posts, been having trouble drawing lately.. also had horrible stomach problem for weeks xD



ARandomCivilian (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 01:38:41 Damn, she looks good
2019-07-01 05:08:19 Damn, she looks good

Damn, she looks good

Gerald E

I hope you are feeling better, if I could suggest something for that is maybe trying probiotics for your gut.

NateMann (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 01:38:40 Ooo is there gonna be a power battle between her and Natsumi over Ban
2019-07-01 05:18:55 Ooo is there gonna be a power battle between her and Natsumi over Ban

Ooo is there gonna be a power battle between her and Natsumi over Ban

Papa Diamond

Nice drawing, hope your feeling better


It s ok. just keep healthy!


I hope you get better, but one question she who is exactly in the story of Ban and Natsumi.


Timetravelling Natsumi???