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Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that i'll be taking a couple weeks off from drawing.

My country finally entered a more relaxed quarantine, so i was finally able to visit the doctor for my constant vertigo which started in March. I'm taking medicine for it now, but i want to take one or two weeks off just so i dont relapse and have to go back to the doctor ><

Thanks for your understanding and constant support! ;w;

Please have this muscle JK before i start my break!




Awesome job and I hope you get to feeling better.


Health is important. Don't worry NDC and relax away.

Lucas Car

I do hope your vertigo gets better 💓


Glad you made it to the doctor. Wish ya all the best man.


I know another artist that has the same I think and it doesn't aound fun. Take it easy my dude.


Thats fine! Get well soon