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Last random work i'll do.

I'll try and work on the character poll backlog after this!



The Dank Demon

She's so damn pretty, yet we all know how wild and slutty she can be. oofh, but man what a pretty picture!


Beautiful work of her like always, always love more Natsumi


Don't suppose you have any bigger file size to print it as a poster. not too lewd, just a calming scenery of the day to day life


Alway nice to see Natsuki. I know I keep asking about this, but do you ever plan on drawing your futa OC, Farrah, again? I thought her crush on Ban was really cute and wholesome and I'd really like to her again.

ndc (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 01:30:29 I do think about it, but so many other things also come to mind when i want to draw things. It never gets done ><
2021-06-03 15:19:48 I do think about it, but so many other things also come to mind when i want to draw things. It never gets done ><

I do think about it, but so many other things also come to mind when i want to draw things. It never gets done ><

Papa Diamond

Really good drawing keep up the good work


I love this art, it's always great seeing stuff from you