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Just wanted to draw SRW characters haha




Mmmmm, that’s really good!


Looks good, have you done Kisaragi Chitose yet?


There's too many I want to draw, Chitose is also one of them!


Lol maybe that should be the next poll or one for later 😂


random idea: from the usuall 3 chara poll reduce it to 2 and the one out make it a poll from your to do list of charas that you absolutely wanna draw... that way we all win and i get to see more of the good stuff... maybe i could eventually see tionishia (monmusu) in a poll and die on the spot....

ndc (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-12 04:11:44 2 characters would be easier on me for sure, im more exhausted these days ><
2021-12-12 02:43:59 2 characters would be easier on me for sure, im more exhausted these days ><

2 characters would be easier on me for sure, im more exhausted these days ><