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Wanted to draw Yugioh girls again



Hardy (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-17 02:49:41 Asuka looks so good. I'd love to see Aki and Anzu next!
2022-01-16 18:42:32 Asuka looks so good. I'd love to see Aki and Anzu next!

Asuka looks so good. I'd love to see Aki and Anzu next!


I love the style of your Yu-Gi-Oh girls


Ayyyy awesome! Could always go for some Yu-Gi-Oh content. The franchise had better looking girls in the earlier installments rather than the more recent ones. Anzu, Asuka, Mai and Aki are all smoking hot waifus. Great work!

The Dank Demon

ooof, fuck that's hot. Awesome job! I wish I could commission you to draw Starfire sometime, she'd look stunning in your style

Rick Francis K

Fuck yeaaah! I hope Dark Magician Girl appears soon enough!