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Do you guys want to see more OC stuff or fanarts? I need to get out of my artblock ><




More O.C.s and returning old ones would be nice. Like that cute intersex woman with grey colored hair and is submissive. I think she’s a super villain, if I recall correctly?


I’d say The OC stuff is interesting to see


The OC's are great and I love anything you draw, I think fan art of characters in your style would be fun to see.


I am okay with either one, since anything you make is incredible.

Mega Deoxys

Yes, of course we would. I'm fine with either one, but if you're having an art block, fanart might be easier to manage, the material's already there.


Personally I'm fine with more of both. Everything you make is great either way, so draw whatever you find to be more pleasing to you.


OC stuff. Personally, I'd like to see you drawing Farrah/Shiho again


personally? both!, for your own? more than likely fanart as it may well be easier when figuring out what to do with em (including weird wacky stuff) or try other methods of drawing them! you can always try the current populars (genshin, as of now marin kitagawa ,etc)

Kevin Long

I love your OC stuff the most tbh. I wanna see matsumi’s sister more


I really like your OC'S but it would be cool to alternate too mix up

The Crazy Old Lich

Both! I suggest try seasonal theme or fantasy outfits or monster girls!


All of your art are wonderful, but I suppose Natsumi is the best!

NINE (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 13:08:44 OC supremacy
2022-03-05 19:36:30 OC supremacy

OC supremacy

Papa Diamond

I want to see more oc stuff


Oc and fantasy stuff are my favorites




If you got any police women or teacher OCs lying around that also be sweet


I could go with either/or, love all your artwork


Whatever you feel comfortable doing! OC works are amazing though!

The Dank Demon (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 13:08:41 I hope and pray for the day that you'll draw Starfire from Teen Titans, but I'm also happy with seeing your own OC's, cus they're hot af &lt;:
2022-03-06 01:46:30 I hope and pray for the day that you'll draw Starfire from Teen Titans, but I'm also happy with seeing your own OC's, cus they're hot af <:

I hope and pray for the day that you'll draw Starfire from Teen Titans, but I'm also happy with seeing your own OC's, cus they're hot af <:


Your OC's are awesome. I can't get enough of Natsumi + those 2 sisters, the mom and the bullies look great. Hope we see more of them. At the end of the day though, draw what you want!

Mike Smith

Natsumi dressed as Tsunade trying to lure Ban who's dressed as Naruto

Hardy (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-10 13:08:41 OC stuff is great! Wouldn't mind super heroine fanart since they're buff too!
2022-03-06 13:00:52 OC stuff is great! Wouldn't mind super heroine fanart since they're buff too!

OC stuff is great! Wouldn't mind super heroine fanart since they're buff too!

Kevin Meiz

Wow…..that’s really sexy. Yes to your question 👍


Oc stuff i like them a lot.

Black Marvel

Yes. Please more OC. They're the best artwork


OC please and more Natsumi in action.


The cat girl from akame ga kill maybe?