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Hi everyone, I'm alive. 

My burnout has been really bad, none of my drawings turn out right anymore. I keep getting frustrated at my lack of my improvement. ;;

Thank you always for your patience! ><



Hardy (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-19 12:29:16 I totally understand the burnout. I personally think your drawings at 10/10 in any format, but I know it's hard still. Could try challenges every so often or just sketches
2023-10-31 14:57:14 I totally understand the burnout. I personally think your drawings at 10/10 in any format, but I know it's hard still. Could try challenges every so often or just sketches

I totally understand the burnout. I personally think your drawings at 10/10 in any format, but I know it's hard still. Could try challenges every so often or just sketches


Somehow I feel people wont be satisfied with just sketches, but thank you i'll try it!

Gran D4rkf4ng

Your drawings are turning out the same way they always have - great. I'm sorry to hear about your burnout, but your art is as great as it always has been. And it's going to keep being great as long as *you* keep being great and not denigrate yourself and your art.

Hardy (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-19 12:29:16 I honestly enjoy sketches. Could even do polls for which sketches to be fully colored for the month maybe!
2023-10-31 15:02:22 I honestly enjoy sketches. Could even do polls for which sketches to be fully colored for the month maybe!

I honestly enjoy sketches. Could even do polls for which sketches to be fully colored for the month maybe!


I understand you and I know what it’s like But your drawings have always been something unique to me

Papa Diamond

take your time their is no rush and i think these two drawings are really good. I think you are a really talented and im always happy when i see a new drawing from you

Angelo Brewster

Don't worry NDC I understand. I love your art, your an amazing artist and as always your two drawings here are beautiful but just take your time and relax OK ❤

Beau C

If you want my opinion, I think your gals always look incredibly irresistible


I get your feelings, and I understand during periods of severe burnout it can feel like any compliments don't help, but I would say that the quality of these is consistent with everything before them; really great. I don't know if a break would be what you need, but consider putting yourself first! Surely your fans will wait for when you feel more up to it.


Get some good cool off and rest tomo, always fantastic Oniku!

Cardboard Bucket Hats

Take your time and come back when you feel ready. Make sure you're taking care of yourself :)