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Not my moral limits cause you all know mine is pretty far... (I can only think about underage stuff being my limit).

The physical limits of my software for creating amputee art. Of course I did not add all the left/right combinations but I think you all know assymetric amputations is not a problem.

You will now understand why I haven't done any knees/elbows stumps even tho I reallllllly love them.

The thing about the weird (cone shaped/line) is easily hideable (by the floor of the couch or anything under the model OR hideable by an object/prosthetics added to the model, hiding the ugly part. So the way I see it, making under knees amputees could be easy (the floor hiding the ugly part) but making under elbows amputation will be a bit more complicated but possible.

Please feel free to ask me any questions you might have! Some of you have great contact with me and some of you are more lurkers and never message anything but I love you all and I really invite my more "quiet patrons" to come ask me requests too! I am super nice X) !!!

Have a nice day my sweet, sweet patrons X) -xxx-




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