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Keep those nasty dicks clean boys!!! Stop spreading the Vid!!!




Does it have an adjustable height? They may be better off raising it to the average crotch height of the boys, meaning the cleaner would be on her knees instead of sitting on her ankles. She may need kneepads or a mat to avoid hurting her knees. Is she opening her mouth spontaneously, or is there a strapless ring gag lodged behind her teeth, keeping her mouth permanently open wide?


The height IS ajustable, to make sure different sized girls can fit and also, like you said, change their position to on their knees. The mouth is NOT forced open, there is no ring-gag or any device. The employee will have to do it or they will get tortured by the users. We really wanted to keep the price down for this product, since it's for beating the Covid XD We want every public toilet in the world to have one of these XD Safety first!!!