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I'm working on request tomorrow, so please MESSAGE ME (Not in the comments please) If you want to catch the next request train!!! CHoo Choo!!!!!!!!!

And to be honest guys, I'm not 100% sure I'm gonna be working tonight, got a medium tinnitus attack today and I still have a migraine... My brain is just the worst right now... But sometimes when I can't sleep I just work and it goes away... So I'm not sure, depend if I fall asleep or not... Sometimes I wish I had a Delphine in my life to tie me up or put me in a sleepsack with whitenoise in my ear... Well...

Again, I love you guys so much! Thank you for letting me have a DREAM JOB! Working for you is making me super super super happy!!! Good Bigail!!!

Abigail -xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-




I hope you feel better, take care


I wish that there was more that we could do for you.


Take care!