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"Hello! This is Miranda's caregiving services!"

"Hi! My name is Delphine, I'm a nurse at FCCH and I saw your number in our files. It says you specialize in adult care!?"

"Yes! I can take care of anybody between the age of 18 to 118!"

"Great... I need someone to take care of 2 girls here... Can you care for two people at the same time??"

"It depends on how severe the handicap is... What is their conditions?"

"No physical handicap... It's mostly just like... Babysitting... You know!? Cook for them and just make sure they don't burn down my apartment..."

"No handicap? How old are these girls!?"

"They're both 25 and the handicap is more... Well... In the head?"

"Oooohhh... I see... No problem, Delphine! Do you need me today!?"

"Yes! I'll send you the address by text. Just be here at 5pm and I will be gone for 8 hours. I promise they will be on their best behavior!"

"Perfect! Thank you very much!"

"My pleasure! Have a good day!"



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