Meeting Miranda Finale (Patreon)
Yes indeed.
Miranda forced our very favorite heroine as for wear a diaper. A spreader-diaper. Those are diapers that I invented unless they already exist but basically they spread the thighs enough so that you can't walk right, you have to crawl, like a baby.
She then took her clothes and placed them inside the diaper.
"I hope you can control yourself! Or you can kiss your white wool top goodbye! HAHAHAHAHA!!!"
"I am a big girl... I can control my bowel just fine. My bladder... That's classified."
"I'm sure you can! Your house is only a few kilometers away... I'm sure you are a quick crawler!"
Miranda grabbed her sheep ear and forced Bigail out of her house. Before closing and locking the door, Miranda made sure to add:
"I hope you get home before the laxatives kick in... They say it takes 2 hours on the box but you took 12 doses so I don't know... BYE!"
Topless, diapered, completely full of pancakes and laxatives, crawling back home with her lawyer riding on her back, our very favorite heroine had never been so humiliated. She felt horrible. The constant pain of her overfulled belly was also but mostly a sad reminder of all the fat and sugar being consumed by her digestive system, slowly transforming her into a round balloon of fat.
She wished it would all come out before it could be absorbed.
Suddenly, she didn't wished it would all come out before it could be absorbed.
Twas the laxatives, starting to work their magic.
Now halfway home but in the place where most people can see her, Bigail's inside started exploding. She knew people around her were pointing at her and laughing at her but she just couldn't focus on anything else but her butt.
She needed as for to make sure it didn't open.
But it wanted to a little.
It wanted to break free.
Like the song.
Did she? Did she not? You decide.
The brown cloud could just be a fart.
Or it could be something else.
That's where your imagination is your best friend.