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We now find ourselves at the entrance of New Dong City Central Hospital, where Nesstoria was finally rebornth.

Exiting the hospital at the same time is one of her friend, Samuxandra:

"Hey Ness... Want me to pick you up or something!?"

"That would be awesome! Thanks! Did you also just get reborned!?"

"I did. I was in the middle of a full-on armed conflict with the military until I died. But all my problems are over now! Look! No Wanted Stars!"

"I love the way it works."

"What were you doing?"

"I Fast-Travelled to a friend's location but that friend was driving very fast. She ran me over."

"Oh... I can't believe the hospital wasn't able to give you your limbs back..."

"Oh no no no... I didn't loose them in the crash. This is just a glitch that can happen if you get killed on the same frame as you Fast-Travel. The doctor promised me that my limbs would be back by the next update."

"But the next update is only in 2024... October 2024..."

"Fuck... Oh well... I'm not gonna let this litlle predicament ruin my quest! LET'S GO SAVE THE PRINCESS!!!"

"Save the princess!? I don't do such kind of things... I am Samux, a space mercenary."

"Well... I'm pretty sure they told me she was a space princess..."

"Go on..."

"And she has a lot of money..."


The two friends then kissed, as for to be.



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