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"Alright girls! Now that you are all comfortably restrained, let's start tonight's presentation!"

"What are you gonna do to us!?"

Asked Iris, all scared and shit.

"We're going to tickle the fuck out of you."



Penguin suddenly was there, on the bed, holding the Tickle-Toothbrush, AKA Thea's Toothbrush.

"OH MY GOD!!!"

Screamed Iris, now trying to escape from her predicament.

"Why so silent, Jasmine!? Do you think you can stealth your way out of this!? Come here you little sneaky fuck!!!"

Bigail decided as for to do what they call in psychiotry: Inverse Mentality. With this method, you make them think that screaming and trying to worm your way off the bed is going to make the captor want to torture them first. But no. You instead, tickle the quiet, calm one.

Penguin also is as smartly as I, so he also used the Inverse Mentality method. He decided as for to tickle Rosalie, who was being lovely, pleasant and silent.

"Do you like this!? Do you like that!? How about this!?"

Was rethorically asking Bigail, trying different tickling method on Jasmine's sensitive feet.


Was rethorically asking Penguin, trying different tickling method on Rosalie's sensitive soles.


Was laughing both Rosalie and Jasmine, uncontrolably.

"I'm never, ever, having a sleepover with Bigail again..."

Whispered Iris, calculating the height of the bed.



Mondo Thornpaw

Penguin is quite the accomplished tickler it seems.