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"I... I don't get it..."

"You're not supposed to get it. It's art. Art is meaningless."

"Oh! So it's not some kind of torture devices you always do!?"

"Nooo! It's just a decoration. It's just there "For To Be", as they say."

"Ahhh... I see... And what's the name of your creation!?"



"Well actually, it's Untitled (Entropy)."

"And there is no meaning."

"No. But if there would be one, it would be America. And friendship. Also freedom."

"Oh... Deep... You have 24 hours to get rid of it. Later!"

Delphine left, leaving our very favorite artist as for to get rid of her new creation. And that is what she did. She did not spend all day and night tickling and licking Ember's delicious and tight little body.



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