The Minigail Maintenance Unit Finale (Patreon)
"Let's watch the machine poop her out!"
Said our very favorite heroine of all time, looking at the red tube part of the MMU.
"There are better words then p-"
MrArgent started to say but he stopped when he saw the processus of extraction. Minigail was very, very slowly pushed out at first until her hips, then it quickly and easily shat her legs out like nothing. You know... Like a poo.
Our very favorite heroine adressed the tiny creature.
"Hihihihihi!!! Go! Back to work!"
"Good girl!"
MrArgent was very impressed. He said:
"Wow... The MMU really is a life changer... If only you would have told me from the start..."
"I wish you would have read the instruction manual from the start..."
"But the manual is behind the MMU. In french. Nobody reads french."
"Why didn't you download the PDF version?"
"There is a PDF version?"
"Of course. On the website."
"There is a website?"
"Of course. It's the first thing written on the back of the MMU!"
So the morale of the story kids is to read the instruction manual. I never do. So I think it's important that you all do it. I don't like to read instructions. I don't like to read. I prefer ignoring the things that I'm being told.
And don't forget to go congratulate MrArgent for 4 500 watchers on DA: