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Hefty Hiatus (Poll #7)

  • 1. Dion snaps out of it 24
  • 2. Dion realizes and gets revenge 8
  • 3. They share the formula with the gym 40
  • 4. They open up a business to help other furs grow 98
  • 5. Dion goes back to work 13
  • 6. Benny realizes the formula did nothing, and Dion did it all for him 58
  • 2024-09-21
  • —2024-09-23
  • 241 votes
{'title': 'Hefty Hiatus (Poll #7)', 'choices': [{'text': '1. Dion snaps out of it', 'votes': 24}, {'text': '2. Dion realizes and gets revenge', 'votes': 8}, {'text': '3. They share the formula with the gym', 'votes': 40}, {'text': '4. They open up a business to help other furs grow', 'votes': 98}, {'text': '5. Dion goes back to work', 'votes': 13}, {'text': '6. Benny realizes the formula did nothing, and Dion did it all for him', 'votes': 58}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 9, 23, 15, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 9, 21, 15, 54, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 241}


The seventh and LAST poll of Hefty Hiatus! How does the story end?



They should definitely get other gym guys the formula!


I adore the idea that Dion just loves being a big blubber bull and sharing it with Benny, it's so sweet!

Aaron Reef

wish it could be 4 & 6


Yes! So long as Dion becomes immobile hahaha

cookie gamer

I like how Lukas is in poll option 4 being squished <3


Option 4 sounds great but option 6 sounds so wholesome it's not even funny


A business based on making others weight gain and make them find happiness?! Absolutely wholesome! We are gonna get more Bennies and Dions finding happiness on gaining?! 4 Is my pick!