Maleficent Mistress of Lust-- Redo Sketch (Patreon)
You have heard tales of the beastly Elder Dragon Maleficent, and her fearsome magic. The ability to alter her size and physiology at will, and even that of those around her. Well, upon entering her lair, you are caught off guard as she is making quick work at seducing another small soul that she is going to make her own, right before you. The only question is, which position will you take as the lusty, scaled dragoness approaches you.
A. Will you try to attack her from behind, to be caught and nestled between her musty toes?
B. Confront her directly, resulting in her pulling you closer between her sweaty breasts?
Winners have been chosen
::Some quick background, btw... Maleficent is one of my favorite characters ever in media, so I occasionally sketch her from time to time. This is an older sketch work I did, where I couldn't quite figure out where I wanted to go with it, but I didn't want it sitting in HDD hell, so I decided to share it with you guys to help me figure it out 0v0! I know the composition is a bit messy, but still let me know if you like the concept that I'm trying here after it's all done! Thanks and cheers!::