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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


The field of view slowly enlarged on Lady Loki's face, everything suddenly slowed down, slow enough to see clearly the trajectory of Blink's shiny hair floating in the air.

The ashes on Conqueror Kang, lying on the ground and charred all over, turned into fine powder, rising and gradually dissipating in the air, leaving no trace.

In such a still and sluggish space, Conqueror Kang slowly climbed up from the ground, and his first movement after standing up was to look up at the sky.

Originally, they should have been in the closed cell of the Time Management Bureau, but at this time, his overhead was no longer a dark ceiling, but an endless expanse of space.

There, there was a dark cloud charged with thunder force, like a fierce beast selecting its prey, staring intently at the prey below.


Conqueror Kang slowly uttered the name of the person controlling the Thunderbolt, and at the moment his words fell, the surrounding scenery began to rapidly recede.

Lady Loki retreated back to her chair, the locks of the chair opening one by one, the chair disappearing, Lady Loki shrinking back into the corner, and Conqueror Kang reappeared outside the cell door.

He snapped his fingers again, the door of the cell opened, and he walked in to Loki, the first thing he said to her was, "I know what you want to do. You want to provoke me, and then let me hurt you, so you can call Thor."

"I can tell you, it's useless. I will lock you in the Timeline forever. The flow of time here is different from elsewhere. Thor will never find her sister trapped in a single second."

Lady Loki raised her face again, then gave Conqueror Kang a mocking smile. The next moment, she took out a sharp-edged gemstone, with a "crack," leaving a long gash on her arm, and fresh red blood dripped onto Thor's hammer.



Time stagnated again, and Conqueror Kang crawled up from the ground again. With another snap of his fingers, all the scenery retreated again, and he appeared outside the cell door again, staring at Loki with wide eyes.

This time, he didn't choose to open the door with a snap of his fingers. Instead, he took out the key honestly, inserted it into the lock, and opened the door of the cell.

The first thing he did when he went in was to take out a strange machine and scan Lady Loki, then confiscate everything she had on her.

Upon inspection, there were dozens of Infinity Stones on Loki's body that had lost their effectiveness, more than 60 daggers from different eras, 30-odd wands of various lengths, sizes, and appearances, more than 10 sets of keys with the nameplate Sanctum Sanctorum, and even in her flowing black hair, there were five or six sharp hairpins hidden.

Using the paused time to thoroughly search Lady Loki's belongings, Conqueror Kang confirmed repeatedly that nothing was overlooked before finally releasing time again and saying to Loki, "You'd better not think of self-harm to call Thor. I won't give you that chance."

But Lady Loki didn't hesitate for a second. With magic glowing nails, she slashed directly at her own neck.

Conqueror Kang didn't react again, so he took another lightning strike.

Conqueror Kang's ability to manipulate time is not flawless. Although he can backtrack with Infinity to make things look like they haven't happened, the pain that has already occurred is inevitable.

Especially when his reaction speed is not enough, and he doesn't have time to activate his ability, he has to endure it. Even if he can use backtrack to make up for it later and the injuries can heal, the pain in that moment cannot be eliminated.

In simple terms, Conqueror Kang can backtrack scenes and other characters, but he can't backtrack his own memories. Or, if he also backtracks his own memories, then he can't foresee the future, and this ability becomes useless.

Next, Conqueror Kang attempted thousands of backtracks, and his main goal was to prevent Lady Loki from self-harming or committing suicide, to prevent her from attracting Thor.

In terms of force, dealing with Loki and dealing with Thor are completely different difficulties. Moreover, at the moment when Thunderbolt fell, Conqueror Kang realized that the Thor in this Space where Loki was, was different from other Thors.

This Thor's power was stronger, even reaching the peak of Monocosm. Although Conqueror Kang felt that this power was only a momentary outbreak and couldn't stabilize at the level of a Skyfather for long, don't forget, Thor had a real Skyfather behind him, Odin.

Calling Thor would also summon Odin. A father-son mixed doubles, that's not easy to endure.

Conqueror Kang was not the type to rely on brute force. Facing two Skyfathers head-on, even if he could wear them down with time backtracking, how many blows would he have to endure himself?

With this mindset, Conqueror Kang planned to stop them from coming from the root.

However, the God of Mischief Lady Loki was not without tricks. Her methods of causing trouble were varied and dazzling. Conqueror Kang didn't know where she had learned so many methods from. Did she spend her entire life studying how to kill herself?

Conqueror Kang also noticed that the key to summoning Thor lay in Thor's hammer. He had tried to control Thor's hammer immediately, but the problem was, he couldn't lift the hammer.

The curse left on Mjölnir by Odin had never disappeared. Without Odin's approval, one couldn't lift the hammer unless they were stronger than the Skyfather Odin.

Conqueror Kang tried thousands of times, including using violent means to control Lady Loki, freezing her in time, and confiscating everything she could use to harm herself, but none of it had any effect.

Lady Loki was determined to cause trouble.

After enduring thousands of lightning strikes, Conqueror Kang decided to give up.

Even if he could backtrack time to make his body withstand so many lightning strikes, his emotions on the brink of collapse made him unable to endure any more.

Being struck by lightning really hurt. This was a lesson Conqueror Kang learned from thousands of lightning strikes. If he had read Eastern mythology, he would know that even the most evil cultivator wouldn't endure thousands of lightning strikes in two seconds.

Giving up on backtracking, Conqueror Kang started thinking of other ways. In fact, he could directly shuttle back to the time when he captured Lady Loki here, interfere with his past actions, and let Lady Loki go.

But to Conqueror Kang, success was within reach, so why give up the entire plan? Greed prompted him not to abandon what he had already achieved, so he began to focus on the future.

Conqueror Kang's ability to shuttle through time wasn't just about going back to the past; it could also go to the future.

However, if Conqueror Kang did nothing, the future would be uncertain. In other words, he had to make a reaction first, and then jump to the future results caused by that reaction.

So, after being struck to the ground by the first lightning strike, Conqueror Kang chose to follow the force of the lightning strike to find Thor's location and intended to confront her head-on.

Conqueror Kang didn't actually need to fight Thor. After making this decision, he could directly jump to the future to see the results. If the results were not good, he could choose not to fight.

In simple terms, when he made a choice, he could directly go to the future to see if the self who made that choice achieved the desired result.

If he didn't achieve the desired result, then he would return to the time when he made the choice and make another choice. This way, by repeating this process, he could use the exhaustive method to find the most favorable choice for himself.

A beam of light flashed, and Conqueror Kang's figure disappeared from the original location. The next moment, he appeared in a vast expanse of space.

Since time was still stagnant, Conqueror Kang had enough time to observe the surrounding environment. He found himself in a strange space. It seemed that this was the same space where Loki was.

He didn't sense the violent Thunderbolt, nor did he find any traces of battle. Everything was strangely quiet.

Conqueror Kang could sense the position of his future self on this future timeline, so he traversed the space, searching for where his future self was. Even if he had been struck by lightning to ashes, there should be some traces, right?

After searching around, he didn't find his own figure at all. However, at the place where the breath finally disappeared, he found a lone star.

In front of the huge star, Conqueror Kang looked like a small black shadow.

Suddenly, amidst the heat waves emitted by the sun, he saw a familiar weapon slowly drifting past him.

Conqueror Kang looked down at the handgun at his waist, then looked up at the handgun drifting past him. He thought, wasn't this his own gun?

But at this moment, the gun that drifted past had turned into debris. The barrel was completely broken, and the trigger was nowhere to be seen. Conqueror Kang had a bad feeling.

Just then, he heard a deep roar echoing in the space.

"Damn it! I shouldn't have eaten that guy. The more I eat, the hungrier I get!"

"I'm so hungry! So hungry! They won't let me bite randomly, so I can only gnaw on the sun here... So annoying!!"

Conqueror Kang froze in place instantly because as soon as he looked up, he saw a pair of huge monster eyes hovering above the star, along with terrifying sharp teeth.

A gigantic monster, covered in spikes, was lying on the star, staring at Conqueror Kang with a cold gaze. Before Conqueror Kang could speak, a deep voice emanated from the monster's throat.

"At first, Lady Loki said she would use Thor as bait to attract that fool. I thought it wouldn't succeed. I didn't expect more than one to take the bait... It's just that I haven't eaten enough yet. Another one would be nice."


The last image Conqueror Kang saw was the terrifying abyssal mouth swallowing him up.

With a whoosh, Conqueror Kang returned to the dim prison cell, only bringing back a cold sweat all over his body.

"What was that?!!" he muttered to himself.

Conqueror Kang stood in place, took a few deep breaths, swallowed hard, and barely managed to calm himself down. He whispered, "A trap! This is a trap! I can't go directly to find Thor, or that monster will swallow me!"

So, he took out a device, pressed a few buttons on it, and forcefully pressed the red button. After a bang, the device emitted a puff of smoke, indicating that the previous timeline had been destroyed.

Conqueror Kang stood still and thought for a moment. Then, with a turn of his eye, he came up with an idea and muttered to himself again, "I can sneak into that space, catch Thor off guard, freeze time, and then defeat him... Yes, that's it."

So, Conqueror Kang, intending to ambush, set off again.

This time, he didn't directly respond to Thor's attack but fled on the spot. Then, locking onto Thor's aura, he sneaked into the space where Thor was, beyond the reach of his power.

Then, he jumped timelines again, arriving in this possible future to see if he had won.

Following his own aura, Conqueror Kang found that he hadn't appeared in Asgard or space. The place where the aura appeared was a blue planet.

Conqueror Kang immediately recognized it as his hometown, Earth. He hadn't forgotten his last name, Richards, and the damn Reed Richards, his relative.

Starting from Earth was indeed a good way to infiltrate, after all, the people here hadn't mastered any time-space science and technology, nor could they catch him.

So, Conqueror Kang landed on Earth and followed his aura all the way to New York and arrived at Wall Street.

Conqueror Kang felt a little confused. He didn't understand how he ended up on Wall Street.

The next moment, he saw a familiar figure, the future Conqueror Kang, dressed in a suit, carrying a briefcase, hurriedly rushing out of a building, holding a telephone in his hand, talking as he walked:

"Tell those demon gods from the Broken Dimension that 1.6 is my bottom line! They better not push their luck... What? Not signing the contract? Then let them scram!"

"I have plenty of high-quality client resources! Do you know how many timelines there are in this space? Do you know how many demon gods there are in each timeline, each space?"

"Eternity from the adjacent 1036 space in the future timeline is my client!... And that ruler from the ancient Egypt rule world's space, what was it called? The Pharaoh called Apocalypse, he's been my old client! He even invited me to visit his future tomb pyramid today."

"You should know Rune King of Asgard, right?... No, I'm not talking about Thor in this space. Why can't you understand?"

"The other day, I just got his telephone and talked about the resurrection business... What? There are no resurrection quotas left? What does that have to do with anything? Isn't there a future? He's an Asgardian, is he afraid to wait for two days?"

"I can tell you, Asgard in the multiverse is an untapped blue ocean! Keep an eye on them all. If I clinch this deal, I'll surely be the sales champion this year!"

"By then, what about Stephen, the gold medal manager of Sanctum Sanctorum, and Loki, the hundred-year champion partner? Let them go to hell!"

"Oh, and in two days, that useless 'past me' will probably show up."

"If he calls, just casually respond to him, give him some benefits, and let him scram quickly. I don't have time to waste with such low-quality clients!"

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1118 Father and Son (Forty-Seven)


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