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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


As a civilization that entered the energy age millions of years ago, scientists on Cybertron have always believed that pure energy beings are difficult to form in a natural environment.

Like the Spark, and the All Spark, they all bear strong artificial traces.

Therefore, the scientists of Cybertron invented the "Energy Extraction and Conversion Device," which converts collected solar energy, bioenergy, thermal energy, and more through a series of purification and structural recombination into higher quality and purer energy blocks and fluid.

Electric energy is undoubtedly a fundamental energy source suitable for conversion into pure energy. Uranium ore, a rare mineral that can only be formed in extremely special geological environments across the universe, is obviously superior to thermal and hydroelectric power for power generation.

Even by Earth's standards, nuclear power has significant advantages over thermal and hydroelectric power. Properly controlled, it causes less pollution than thermal power and nearly zero environmental damage compared to hydroelectric power. Therefore, nearly all powerful countries on Earth consider nuclear power an important choice for commercial power generation.

During the invasion of alien colonizers, Cybertron had already mastered thermonuclear power generation technology. Although it was fully replaced by safer and more efficient cold fusion technology during the era of the Ancient Parliament, thanks to Shockwave, the Decepticon Legion's chief scientist, when creating engineers, he stored a wealth of collected technologies within the engineers' cores. This led to the creation of a large, seemingly inconspicuous, but highly skilled group of engineers under the command of the Decepticon Legion.

The engineers not only possess Cybertron's thermonuclear power generation technology but also the more advanced cold fusion technology.

However, cold fusion requires deuterium and tritium (heavy water, super-heavy water) to produce helium-3.

Earth lacks natural fuels like deuterium and tritium, which need to be extracted from hydrogen through various means, requiring a large number of engineers.

While helium-3 reserves are abundant on the moon, Lord Fallen currently occupies the moon, and Sun Cheng dares not easily set foot there. Therefore, he must temporarily give up the more efficient cold fusion and opt for thermonuclear power generation.

However, in this world, Sun Cheng is not in a human form. Thus, despite devising plans to contact and cooperate with China and Russia, he does not fully trust them.

Especially when it comes to his most important source of energy development, he does not have the intention of voluntarily handing over his weaknesses to them.

Therefore, although he has requested a hydropower station from China, his trip to Russia aims to free himself from energy constraints caused by relying on others. He hopes to obtain a sufficient supply of uranium ore from polar bears.

Previously, Sun Cheng had also considered uranium mines in the United States, Canada, and Brazil, but after close reconnaissance, he had to abandon those options.

For every country, uranium ore is a crucial mineral that attracts the highest level of attention once discovered.

Therefore, almost every country fortifies security near its uranium deposits. Even if they succeed in seizing some, they can only plunder a limited amount. Afterward, the other party will enhance their defenses, making it difficult to obtain more.

This forces Sun Cheng to consider how to obtain uranium ore through official channels, making Russia his best choice.

Although some voices have suggested that after the Soviet Union's dissolution, the main uranium resources of the former Soviet Union ended up in other CIS countries besides Russia, such claims are biased.

According to Sun Cheng's investigation, Russia possesses 78 uranium deposits larger than 500 tons with a grade higher than 0.03%. This exceeds Kazakhstan's 65 deposits of the same grade by 13 and surpasses Uzbekistan's 34 deposits by 44. It is 3.7 times the number of Ukraine's 21 deposits, making it the top-ranked country among the Commonwealth of Independent States.

If the data he investigated is correct, then Russia undoubtedly possesses the second largest number of uranium deposits after the United States (184 uranium deposits), and the scale is even above Australia (72 deposits), France (47), Canada (41), and Germany (16). The abundance of uranium reserves is unimaginable.

The engineers there have thermal nuclear technology far more advanced than Earth's, so as long as they can obtain uranium ore from Russia, he will be able to quickly build a large number of thermal nuclear reactors in the number two base in the Amanbai Mountains in Brazil to address their energy shortage.

With anticipation, Sun Cheng patiently waited for Vladimir and his group to arrive.

A few minutes later, the iron-fisted president, accompanied by two Russians, finally arrived at the West Garden and met Sun Cheng.


Perhaps seeing this kind of mechanical life for the first time, the other two who arrived with Vladimir audibly gasped the moment they saw him.

Vladimir was about to introduce the two individuals when Sun Cheng glanced at them and took the initiative to greet them, "Nice to meet you, Minister Konashenkov and Prime Minister Dmitry. My name is Frenzy."

Seeing a slight change in the faces of the three, he nonchalantly nodded his head and said, "I have come here with sincerity to establish contact with you. Therefore, I have already sent people to investigate the list of high-ranking Russian officials, and the data is stored here!"

Regardless of its authenticity, this explanation somewhat put the three individuals at ease.

Due to Sun Cheng's towering mechanical body, there were obviously no benches in the West Garden for him to sit on.

Therefore, Vladimir and the others also remained standing and directly asked, "Your Excellency Frenzy, let's continue our unfinished conversation from earlier. You mentioned cooperation with Russia, but we are curious about how you plan to cooperate with us?"

The smile on Sun Cheng's face grew wider. Compared to the reserved style in China, the straightforward manner of the Russians undoubtedly saved him a lot of time.

Immediately, two beams of bright blue light shot out from his eyes, forming a colossal light wall in front of him, measuring no less than two meters in height and four to five meters in width.

The light wall displayed dozens of files, each with its own Russian annotations.

[Five-axis CNC machine tools], [100MW gas power generators], [37 types of superhard and new alloys]...

[Hellfire missiles], [F-16 fighters], [Reaper drones], [M1A2 tanks], [Yasen-class attack nuclear submarines (modified)], [Typhoon-class ballistic missile nuclear submarines (modified)], [Borei-class ballistic missile nuclear submarines (modified)]...

[Fifth-generation 50,000-horsepower ship-mounted gas turbine units], [Third-generation optical stealth technology], [Third-generation ship-mounted nuclear reactors]...

"All the items displayed on the light screen can be obtained through trade. The trade not only includes technology transfer, but if you require, we can also directly manufacture physical objects for you. In exchange, we need a large amount of metals, rare earths, and uranium mines..."

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 220: Journey to Consummation


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