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The communication with the member of the Mexican Senate was quickly interrupted.

Sun Cheng only used these hidden members of the intelligence network when necessary. He was cautious to protect both the other party and the intelligence network he had painstakingly developed.

With a quick scan using Core, Sun Cheng thoroughly digested the information about the "Windsor Wife."

The "Windsor Wife" was built by Hyundai Heavy Industries in South Korea and was launched in 2004. Currently, it belonged to a freight company named "Scobios." It was an ordinary cargo ship with a capacity of tens of thousands of tons.

However, some doubts arose in his mind.

"...Scobios is a United States freight company... The shipping route showed that the 'Windsor Wife' used to travel between the United States and Europe, with only occasional trips between the United States and Japan or the Middle East... Why would it suddenly appear in Mexico and be heading to the Philippines from Lazaro Cardenas Port?"

A freight company's operations naturally couldn't be limited to one route. However, cargo planes and ships under a freight company's name would usually stick to one or a few routes, unless necessary.

There were reasons for this. Besides accumulating experience in navigation for the crew members of the planes and ships with increased trips, they also needed to adapt to the changing high-altitude environment and different weather conditions in different sea areas.

Of course, there could be other reasons, such as another cargo ship under the same company that used to run the route being temporarily unavailable due to maintenance or other reasons, and they had to use a different ship for a trip.

But once something got involved with the Decepticon outsiders, even if everything seemed normal, it became suspicious.

Sun Cheng never forgot that Megatron, who should still be pretending to be dead, was currently in the depths of the Mariana Trench near the Philippines.

This Decepticon commander, who could be described as an overlord, should still be in a state of false death. Otherwise, if he had already revived, he would have been searching all over the world to settle scores with his enemies.

During the Battle of Las Vegas, Sun Cheng witnessed the human boy Sam forcibly inserting the "All Spark" into Megatron's chest and using Megatron's Spark, which far exceeded other Decepticons', to destroy the "All Spark."

However, the endlessly powerful "All Spark" wasn't so easily destroyed.

Although the "All Spark" shattered, it also destroyed Megatron's Spark while Megatron's Spark was destroying it.

Sun Cheng had no doubt that Optimus Prime and other high-ranking Autobots had examined Megatron's body after the battle. Megatron must have been dead at that time; otherwise, he wouldn't have escaped the enemy's inspection.

Due to the circumstances, it wasn't surprising that Megatron had left behind some life-saving cards. After all, the Decepticon army was not a group of tamed poultry; they were a group of wild beasts that could turn on their master at any time.

When he sneaked into the Mariana Trench, Sun Cheng had also checked Megatron's condition. He was very sure that although Megatron's mechanical body seemed battered, his injuries were not severe. He was only extinguished because his Spark had gone out.

That guy quickly emerged when Sun Cheng tried to read his memories, attempting to erase Sun Cheng to maintain his secrets.

If he hadn't had the miraculous Spherical Space protection inside him at that time, he would have turned into a pile of rotten debris on the seabed by now.

Because he understood Megatron's personality too well, even after replacing his mechanical body, he had come up with the idea of personally dealing with Megatron, sending him to eternal rest more than once.

However, Sun Cheng didn't dare to bet. Since he knew that the other party was not dead and was pretending to be dead at the bottom of the sea, he couldn't be sure how many cards the other party still had hidden.

He even suspected that Megatron might have already revived and was simply hiding behind the scenes, planning some conspiracy against his opponents.

Therefore, Sun Cheng didn't associate the four Decepticons he unexpectedly encountered in Mexico with Megatron.

Unfortunately, time didn't stop with his thoughts.

With the sound of the ship's horn from the dock, the "Windsor Wife" soon completed its short stop at Lazaro Cardenas Port and had finished resupplying. It finally began its journey to the Philippines in the western Pacific.

Sun Cheng watched the cargo ship slowly leave Lazaro Cardenas Port until it was out of sight. Then he turned around, jumped into the sky, and transformed back into his jet form, flying back to Base 2.

He had already recorded the electromagnetic spectra of the four Decepticons, and he had saved their visual data as well.

Although he cared about their purpose, he didn't have time to continue following them.

Ships like the "Windsor Wife" had a top speed of around 20 knots at sea, about 37 kilometers per hour. Moreover, the Pacific Ocean was vast, and he couldn't determine the destination of the four Decepticons onboard.

They might be onboard only to avoid the surveillance of United States satellites and could leave the ship once they were out of the port.

With a heavy sense of unease still lingering in his mind, one day after Forerunner arrived at Base 2, Sun Cheng returned to the base.

Once inside the base, he immediately entered his spacious and empty exclusive laboratory. At the same time, he released "Rewind" and "Skyfire," who had been temporarily stored in his Spherical Space.

"Take care of this little guy. I don't care how you do it, but get the latest intelligence on the Decepticon army from him as soon as possible..."

After throwing "Rewind" to Atlas and the others, Sun Cheng didn't bother with him further.

As a miniature Decepticon, "Rewind" used to hold some significance in his eyes before he obtained the Constructions' memory and "Skyfire." It was worth him personally dealing with him.

However, this trip to the United States had been too rewarding.

A fragment of the "All Spark" was already rare, but Forerunner had also taken care of one of the six members of the "Devastator Team," the Constructions. This gave him an opportunity to get a glimpse of the legendary giant combiner Decepticon, "Hercules."

Not to mention "Skyfire," who was like a "Cybertron Knowledge Base."

Fortunately, he hadn't forgotten the four Decepticons he encountered in Mexico. He reactivated his undercover network in the United States, having a CIA high-ranking officer conduct a more detailed investigation into the "Windsor Wife."

After that, Sun Cheng gathered most of the engineers in Base 2 and brought "Teletraan" along to conduct a comprehensive inspection of "Skyfire" before returning to Russia.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 452: Disturbing the Snake (Part 2)


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