Tier 4, Titanium (Cutfiles!) (Patreon)
2019-08-16 04:14:07
Hey guys! We're finally releasing our new Cut Files reward tier, the Titanium Tier. Here's what you need to know:
- From this point onward, Titanium Patrons have access to our cut files. Right now, cutfiles have been added to the Minis Master Post for all releases from #64_WereTigerHybrid to #94_Mantid.
- Starting next week, we'll begin updating the Minis Master Post with cut files for the older releases (from #1_GoblinWarrior to #63_Kraken) weekly until we have all our existing catalogue covered.
- From now on, all paper mini releases will include cut files.
- You can find attached to this post, free to download for everyone, a sample Zip from the new Titanium Tier contaning the release #90_Herculean. The Zip file contains the Studio3 file and a folder with the PNGs images of that mini used to create the file (in 600DPI). Feel free to check it out to make sure you'll find our cut files useful!
That's it guys! Thanks for your patience while we worked things out and for your feedback on these. As usual, let us know if you have any comments or suggestions!
Oh, also check the pics above of some of our beautiful paper babies made with the new cutfiles!