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Kyra's original design by the great Wayne Reynolds! (https://www.waynereynolds.com/

Paper Mini

PDF | PNGs | Cutfile | PSD

VTT Tokens 




Hell ya! But the link to the VTT Tokens ain't workn' :)


So good!


Love this one. Hope there are more in this style on the way. Thanks!


So I'm thinking about finally getting a cutting machine for all my Paper Forge minis but I've never used one. Any suggestions or recommendations for something user friendly?


Hi there Jay! We recommend the Silhouette Cameo (3 and 4 because those are the ones we use). Honestly it's very user friendly it has a LOT of tutorials everywhere and the Cutfiles we make are Silhouette files so that means you can open them, print them and cut without any problem. I also tried the ScanNcut and it didn't have the level of detail we need for this sort of hobbie plus gave me a few great headaches so I would not recommend that one. In any case you can always write in Discord in the "Support" channel if you have any doubts about the machine and how to use it. : D


Great. Looking at getting a Cameo now. There are a lot of not so clear tutorials on YouTube I've looked at for the Cameo but I must not be finding the right ones in my short time searching. Anyway, if you know of any tutorials off the top of your head or if the machine comes with them let me know. I will check out the discord channel too. Thanks a bunch.