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Link to the past livestreams xo

Decided to do something different with that archive channel and livestream to the main YouTube if I ever do it publicly again lol.

Thank you for the understanding and support on the last post everyone.

I'd like to do a private YouTube stream soon, I will post here with a set time and date, and then a link when it goes live!


Marcel Génetay

Hi Amber! For some reason I can’t see any of your other posts here that you’ve made since late March, but I saw you mention on YouTube that you are posting here? And you seem to reference a last post here that I assume is more recent than March… Can you see on your end what might be wrong?


That's gonna be so nice, thank you! Will see you there!


oh dear! Im so sorry thats happened! It looks like an issue to take to Patreon directly, I cant understand why that's happened from my end! I will message you and try to resolve it my end too!

Marcel Génetay

Oh no worries, I’ll reach out to Patreon! Thank you for all these years of excellent content – I’m currently rewatching the Hollow Knight Let’s Play and having a blast!

Huib Gelling

Aww a little livestream would be nice 😊

J. P.

Uuhhh, exciting news about a potential livestream. I always felt like there was a very positive vibe on your twitch streams, so hopefully that remains the same on youtube.