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Ahhh The Party's over😭😭

Jay McIntyre

Lights out! Now Give Gianni some!!!


Sigh - so much for my hope of Rossy and Lana going at it some more. They looked like they were really into it but they're both just good actors! I'm not surprised that Lana used the opportunity to ambush Rossy!


Oh No! Another case of Catfightus Interruptus! I hate that!!! And they were both finally naked, too!!


I think the snarky cop is my favorite thing on this page.

Simon Hearn

awww cheap shottttttt.......rematch ..get up rossy..twins where are you lol

Joseph Bonnar

That pot was an ORIGINAL, Lana. Next time use a frying pan, something sturdy in cast iron.

Joseph Bonnar

NO! It was an original Napoleon the Fourteenth! *cackles happily* (Anybody who can identify Napoleon the Fourteenth gets 9317 internet points10


She Shoots, She Scores!!!