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Lana's 35th case: Honeycreeper starts tomorrow right here on Patreon!

A cartel of ruthless thugs is out for revenge against a backstabbing gangster, and they don't care if innocent bystanders get in their way! But a certain not-so-innocent bystander might have something to say about their best-laid plans....

Page one posts tomorrow! Don't miss it!



Jay McIntyre

Lana's got the Honey Trap for the Honey Creeper


I didn’t see the ‘c’ and read it as honey reeper. Which, funnily enough is still appropriate. Well, if you spell it reaper.


Gonna be another sticky situation


Outstanding cover!! Just out of curiosity, have you ever considered doing a Llana-style comic (i.e. more, um, let's call it "explicit)" for Lana?


Thank you! I've done one or two short ones in the past, and I have plans for some more.