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How are your New Years resolutions going? Maybe you've resolved to shed a few pounds? Get back in fighting shape? But if you aren't Fonda the old methods and you're drawing a Blanks on how to reach your goals, forget the fitness Insanity and try Fitness with Foxi!

Tune in every Friday to work up a sweat and get the blood pumping with the always-reliable Merlot method!




I'm very interested in seeing Foxi fittin' this somewhere special...


Perfect timing. All this holiday feasting has me packin’ on the pounds.

Jay McIntyre

At first I misread this as Finesse with Foxi, which is also not wrong


This could be rather good motivation for sticking with a workout regimen. Hmmmm......😉


Ah the old Jane Fonda fitness routines. Were they the first? Started an industry of copycats I think.


Yes, it quickly became a big industry that's still going strong today! Funny how it exploded all of a sudden like that.