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Hi everyone!

Welcome to our April release and our 3rd anniversary. That's right, we've been doin' this thing for three years and heading into our 4th season as we like to call it. We are massively thankful to everyone that has been supporting us since year one, you are MVPs, and everyone else who has been supporting us for a while or just found us recently. We are happy to be here making sexy pin-ups and fun minis for your gaming and painting hobbies. You know already from the preview about what we got in store, so on with it! Here's the breakdown:

April (Pack 38) release and our welcome chest as we continue Season 4 of our adventure.

  • Hana Bunny Meka Maid -  3d printable pin-up. Our first crossover with a big cosplay model and a sexy clothing brand in Hana Bunny and Moe Flavor . Comes with anime style head alt and bikini alt.  Available at 75mm and 120mm.

  • Don Pizarro - Don Pizaro is the ring leader of Troupe Ridachiaro, there is no spectacle or performance he can't pull off. Behind his flamboyant veneer also helps to conceal the daunting sorcery he commands.. (35mm and 54mm range)

  • Mistress Risata - Mistress Risata is a graceful dancer with cat like reflexes, a strange curse afflicts her, only eased by performance or battle. (35mm and 54mm range)

  • Lopazi The Masked Death -A man of very little words with mysterious origin. Skillful as a performer and even more skillful as an assassin. (35mm and 54mm range)

  • The Bearer Of Faces - The eternal, living memory of the Troupe given form. If the the world is but a stage, it is audience and actors at the same time. (35mm and 54mm range)

    Additionally you will also get our welcome pack:

  • Hero's Welcome Pack (Dewan) - Part of our fantasy line (Threads of Light and Darkness), Dewan monk and a were-tiger. Provided in human and were-tiger form at 35mm, and 100mm bust. Includes also his companion Jasmit the tiger.

  • ToLaD Fantasy Pack - Part of our fantasy line (Threads of Light and Darkness) includes the Master Dario's Lab diorama, composed of Nenia, Griggor, and Dario. Also contains goblin girl Tshuk, female orc barbarian Shyron, Kagyu the slayer, and last but not least Urasyl, one of our water nymphs in her human and siren form (35mm).

  • Cyberpunk Samples Pack - QRS trooper squad Gamma with commander Warhawk, and his team, Bloodhound, Tempest and Ripper (35mm).

  • Pin-Up sample, Izel The Barbarian Succubus - Our OC Izel in SFW and NSFW versions (75mm).

Here are your links:


As usual, we'll post the NSFWs around tomorrow and if there are any issues let us know here or on discord. If you've been with us 3 or 6 months already, you can claim your loyalty rewards via DM. We'll start processing messages again tomorrow and the MMF backups for March will be up in a week or two. Thanks again for your support, and happy printing!





March/April MMF discount code?

Jason R Willetts

I apparently forgot to download the Harlequin Troupe. Is there a way to get those files?