Animation: Post-Bath Growth (Patreon)
2018-10-24 18:31:14
Her bath towel slowly peeled back, exposing her rapidly growing chest. A sharp pain shot through her chest, a throbbing sensation as the fatty tissues expanded. Her hand attempted to clutch the bath towel; first to close the bath towel from exposing herself, second to try and hold back the growth, and third to grip in pain at the changes.
She could feel the heat radiate from her expanded chest. The swelling ceased but her body felt like an athlete after a marathon; hot and sweaty. She couldn't even tell if she did sweat or if that was just her skin moist from the bath.
Opening her robe, she observed the changes. Everything looked normal, except now in a massive engorged state. She turned to the bathroom mirror, her eyes immediately locked towards her chest. A top heavy woman was in the mirror. If it wasn't for her own face, she'd believe it was really a different woman.
Note: Nude and mp4 versions will be posted later near the end of the month.