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The first render with new PC. It is rendered in 45 minutes with 2K res, 10K max samples and subD 2 on 4 characters. And the result is good so far. I'm glad now I can work in render preview mode in real time with the heavy scene without any problem. :D

Thank you guys, the Patrons, for supporting me.




Looks great! Always happy to see my favorite girls :)

Nosferia Zafora

So excited to read you will have a better workflow experience now. To me, it's not just how less grainy this looks considering how much is there in plain view, but the fidelity and the sense of a realized world it invokes, as if you could turn the camera around and see the rest of the room no problem. This is what gamers imagine when they dream about the immersion levels next-gen games could have, quality and content wise. Also, it's pretty cool to read a heartwarming message accompanied by a picture that makes you throb non-stop. ❤️


its amazing that you got the upgrade for the PC. Cant wait to see the future pics i bet is gonna be amazing. And i hope this pic has a follow up on the action hehe