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I was working at basic gardening system, so here is how it looks so far.

Gathering plants in the wild you have a chance to get specific seeds.

Those seed could be planted on the field near Krowly's house.

You can choose only seeds you need.

When you work on the field and watering the plants it's growing. And after 4 days you will get a full grown plant with 100% chance to get the ingredient.

Let me know what do you think :) 

I have some more ideas for the future. For example full grown plants will give a chance to get an extra ingredient when Krowly is working on the field. 

Also, you can water plans with unusual fertilizel. Such as maybe futa elf sperm, or minotaur milk. And as result there will grow dick mushrooms, tentacle plants and boobs plants. 

P.S. Current ingredients and potions recipes :)



Josh Stepp

I really like the ideas for the future. Also, what are the ingredients used for now?


О, да, растения-члены, тентакли и сиськи, это нечто, ждём с тенерпением). И как вариант, сделать, что б растения с огорода тоже могли давать семена


Hope those plants can be used or consumed for something special maybe?


Sounds really good. A big improvement to the randomness Krowly has going on at the moment. ^^ Gardening Skill can improve the chance of getting a seed and doubling the harvest. And the unusual fertilizer and special plants are also a nice idea.


Glad you like the ideas. I attached to the post a picture with current ingredients and potions recipes :)


will we need to find new seeds for each time we harvest something, or will the plant stick around for later?


I would say the planted plant has also a chance of giving a seed. Maybe even a higher one than the wild plants. But they should be gone after harvesting.


Хехе, возможно с ними даже будут сцены xD Хорошее замечание про семена, согласен


Yeah, I think they can have unique ingredients for potions and maybe even sex scenes :D


Glad you like :D Hmm.. yeah, agree about the skills and seeds. I'll make it work. For now skills has no effect at the chance to get seeds


Krowly can keep the plant on the field, so he will get higher chance to get extra ingredient during the work at the field (this part isn't ready yet). Or he can harvest the plant to get the ingredient immediately if he need it. And Harlekin is right about seeds :)


Looks great I am really looking forward to this. I was already wondering what the holes in the Yard are for and the rank of gardener and cook "job" plus planting the seed lol when crowly or/and Jaine are cuming on the field everything grows faster lmao


About the unusual Fertilizer, wouldn't it make "sense" for sperm to increase the chance of seed and breast milk to increase the chance for a double harvest? XD And maybe human seed and milk would only enhance the plant growth and seed chance whilst special semen (futa elf) and "monster" milk for the special plants?


Мои 5 копеек, добавить дополнительные ингредиенты при сборе может с каким нить шансом, на продажу, что бы не просто ингредиенты с этого получать. И с мутироваными растениями прикольная идея, предворительно удобряя вырастает гриб и ночью поиграть приходит условная мама Ерика, с тентаклями придет биться сам Эрик, а к сиськам например Джайна. :)


Кроули и так ингредиенты на продажу будет получать пока работает над выращиванием алхимических ингредиентов, в этом плане ничего не изменилось. Хехе, возможно ему придется сделать пугало, чтобы отгонять таких ночных гостей :D


I'll think about it :D It's interesting. I don't want it to be too complicated, so player will have to read a long instruction to understand what's happening. Still, I like the idea