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A sketch of the guard guy. I hope it's not very hot in their camp :D




Woah, he looks great! Will the guard seen next to the elf spa also look this way, or will he retain his old look? I'm not sure if they're the same person or not :)


Thanks! They are different persons :D I want to draw the illustrations for the merchant and his bodyguard too, at some point


Such a serious looking fellow.. O_o Such a contrast compared to the guard girl!


Heh, yeah. I have tried to make their outfits looks a bit similar, but it's not so easy xD


I imagine not... especially when all the female characters have giant boobs! :D When you eventually make a city area, be sure to add a tailor who comments on making these outfits! :D They can say "man, making women's clothes is far easier then men's clothes. When making men's outfits, I actually need to finish the damned thing instead of leaving a giant hole in the chest!"