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An animated version of the scene with a futa elf.   Jonathan Vallejo have posted his version in the community section while ago. Patreon stuff asked me to delete it, but I was inspired to do my own version, and add it to the game. :)

I decided to not add many frames, because it needs huge amount of time otherwise. 

Hope you like it :D

Also I need to do a version for busty Krowly (Browly? :D), and a variant wiht elf cumming deep in Krowly's throat.

P.S. October rewards for "PSD and WIPs" will be sent as soon as I make the last timelapse video. Probably tomorrow. And I need several more days to finish the next update of the game :)




Ohhhh, yes. It looks very good. How many frames did it cost? (I'm really buying the eyes ^^)


Thank you! There are four frames repeated in the loop with different timing :)


I find it amazing to achieve this with only 4 frames. I think our brain fills the gaps in movement logically so it works this well.


Я не знаю, может патреон не оповещает, или ещё что, но я там в комтюнити сообщение оставил...


Ты имеешь в виду то огромное? Я отвечу, если у меня будет лишнее время. Извини, но серьезно, там много текста


Ок, я понимаю)), я подожду. Я могу его перевести на русский если тебе так будет удобнее.


I know it's probably not high on the list but I can't wait for more action from Grandma Aggy


this is exactly correct!, the same thing happens with movies or games, except they have 60+ fps, Depending on your pc's hardware ofcourse, our eyes fill in the gaps there as well. Here you can see the jumps a little more, but for this type of game having fewer frames is better imo.


Looking amazing, this scene has jumped to be my favourite now. I am extremely impressed at the speed of updates and creation of new art or animations. I'm loving your work! I have been purposely not playing the newer versions waiting for the game to have more story and such. Giving it 3-4 months then jumping back in again from the start, can't wait!

Kevin Daley

just cherictors with little action in general really. rose still got shit


Dang, this is really questioning my orientation ;D


Nice strech on his throat vey hot! First I thought crowly would look a bit girly but it's more shadow than Makeup. Futa on male is so hot esp. on real man not sissies!


Yeah we are stupid with bad eyes but that is great for watching porn esp. anime and Cartoon lol Oh and it was also good for Hunting in the stoneage esp. when you habe been hunted yourself by "lions" hiding in the bushes


I actually was planning to make a handjob scene for Agneshka or for Rose in the near future. It's not necessary will be the next scene, but they are pretty high in the list :)


Thank you for the nice words :) Now I'm worrying that the game doesn't get much new story these past months xD


Thank you! I think Krowly looks kinda girly, but not like totally. Otherwise, I agree, it wouldn't be interesting ^^


If I remember right, it also varies from the person to person. Where some person may see smooth animation, the other one will be seeing just a slideshow :)


Looking at the pictures, it seems the eyelashes are quite long, which is a very feminine thing. I don't really mind, though i am somewhat in agreement with AL121 here futaXmale is hot, on a real man ;). so if the feminine look is something you don't want then taking a look at that might be an option. cheers!


He looks the way I want him to look :) I mean I can make him a lot more feminine, but I think eyelashes and pierced ears are enough :)


I think busty version might have more femenine trits. I remember Jill saying Krowly have full (fat) girlish lips. Although perhaps difficult redraw still and face for each the scene.


will krowley have his fap sessions with his lingerie on?

Jonathan Vallejo (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-16 07:58:14 Scene is so great! And animation gets covered with those 4 frames very efficiently! <3
2019-11-05 02:00:32 Scene is so great! And animation gets covered with those 4 frames very efficiently! <3

Scene is so great! And animation gets covered with those 4 frames very efficiently! <3


Well, I think both Krowly and Eric already have pretty full lips, especially for males ^^ If I will add more feminine version of Krowly, it will be for short events only, not permanent


I'm not sure. It's not something very interesting for me to work on. Maybe in the future but I can't promise it


Sounds Great; I guess they Need those lips for sucing lots of Dicks and making out with hot chicks lol I had an Idea the futa-elves could attack the guard Girl and Guy and go to "war" with the orcs or have a Monthly triabal fuck fest of some Sort?


I'm planning some events with Elves and orcs where they are going to "war", by trying to catch and fuck each other :D I'll think about the Guards, thanks


Your are welcome! This is awesome exactly what i was hoping for!