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A rough colored version of the new wife for Derek. The clothed version. Not 100% sure about the colors of her dress, but I think it might work :)

Not related to WaB - I was watching a stream of Nioh 2 for a while and must say I do appreciate how busty the monstergirls are in that game ^_^




Синий велеколепно смотриться. А вот белый лучше сделать белее, что бы сильнее с кожей контрастировал, и подчеркивал ее необычный зеленый цвет. Розоватый оттенок, помоему сюда не очень хорошо подходит. Имхо.


If you are still looking into a name, how about Nooki


wow the Goblingirl looks fantastic ! and Nioh 2 had great Monster :)


any chance of scenes in the future with her ber or or even after she becomes derek's wife

Kris Smith

I actually like this pic better than the nude one.


Я думаю нам нужен будет green titsfuck обязательно.

Sora Walker

will we have the right to do things to him with krowly? x)


Comment edits

2021-09-16 07:56:31 Is there a date yet on the next release?
2020-03-22 17:06:51 Is there a date yet on the next release?

Is there a date yet on the next release?




Yeah me too. I mean, the nude one is still great but her she's SEXY. Also colors are fine


She's stunning good for Derek

Dart Vaider

Your drawing style just awesome. I love it!


oh fuck she is hot!


Is it possible to make the gap between the hair on the head not so noticeable? (Oh, these critics, with their advices to a professional artist :D)


Я обычно стараюсь оставить белый не полностью белым, и добавить немного цвета. Тогда на финальном этапе будет пространство для маневра. Плюс если делать черный реально черным и белый по настоящему белым в итоге все цвета, особенно на коже могут казаться мертвенными. Вероятно я сделаю ее блузку белее на последнем этапе :)


Hmm.. I think she needs something more mature maybe.. Thanks for the suggestion :)


His life isn't easy, he deserves it. And there will be sex scenes with her anyway :)