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The variants of the illustration with Rose and Juliette with sperm. I feel like this scene needs comic relief, so I tried to make it a bit funny. 

Also, since  Juliette's glasses are on the separate layers, it was easy made the variants without glasses.

Now I will be working on adding this scene in game. If I'll menage to do it quick then the next version of the game will be ready at July 12th. If not, then probably July 13th :)



Mark Piper

SURPRISE Jennafucker!


very nice ^^

Ferrin (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-16 07:54:48 Juliette without glasses, moar! <3 Also Rose's surprised face. XD
2020-07-11 09:25:46 Juliette without glasses, moar! <3 Also Rose's surprised face. XD

Juliette without glasses, moar! <3 Also Rose's surprised face. XD


Rose is a treasure.


The Surprise look is great, love the ballooning cheeks


Different tastes! Personally prefer her without glasses, but there's a ton of characters without them already.


people look so different with and without glasses. Like, I know it is the exact same image, but she goes from looking like a pretty dork princess to looking like a hot slutty princess


A scary thought - what if it's not Krowly's cumming, it's Rose puking the cum Jaina gave her earlier.. xD


You tried and succeeded 👍🏾

Kris Smith

I do prefer her with glasses, but it's nice to see what she looks like without them.


Could work, and be the reason she isn't throating Krowly. But that face doesn't look like a puke face. It looks very much like a "surprise here's 4 buckets of cum" face lol.

Hunter Stonechild

Nice, any chance we could see a variant where it's Busty Krowly and Erik servicing Jaina?


These emotions! Just amazing!


Ну в итоге, всё получилось отлично. А дует Джульетты и Розы - отличная комбинация для этой сцены.👍 Осталось заценить в игре.


Отделтный лайк за вариант без очков. Небольшая смена имеджа всегда интересно освежает образ. Это кстати хорошо работает с прическами. Так например было бы круто увидить некоторых девушек с распущенными волосами (например когда они моются), ту же Джулетту, Астру, Джилл. Кстати отдельный вопрос как выглядят волосы сестры Элизабет?)


There could be a threesome with them, but i don't really want to make a version of this scene with other characters


Возможно в будущем. Про сестру Элизабет сам думал. Вероятно коротко стриженые. Но возможно стоит оставить этот вопрос для нее без ответа.


is jill going to have a scene like this?


I was thinking about a scene with Jill and Carla, but most likely it will be different scene


Is there any chance that the huge cock gets to be permanent? Like you can choose if its huge or normal.


Sorry, but no, it won't be permanent. It would require to make a variant for every scene and would limit the possible scenes. But there will be some other short time events for huge dick Krowly


Maybe you could have different girl helping out Rose with the potion mishap issue, not always Juliette, and different combinations get different outcomes? Or alternatively, would it be possible to have interchangeable sprites that mesh together? For example have Krowly and Rose on layer1/scene1 and add a separate layer for other character that gets added in? and then you can design scenes where variation is calculated in. Not sure if engine let's you do things like that?


MercuriusORG, I don't really want to spend time on bunch of variants of one scene, I'd rather add more unique scenes :) I planning to add a quest where Krowly and Rose will find a way to brew more stable version of huge dick potion. It won't be permanent but it will be possible to use it in some specific situations


Maybe the huge dick could be a requirement for sex scenes with certain characters because these characters like it big. Would be cool and it would make these characters a little bit special.


I was thinking about some monstergirls that can be satisfied only with huge dick. Like a centaur-girl or ogre-girl. Not sure, but maybe