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I let myself to relax a bit and to work on funny stuff.

Today I figured out how to add a feature I wanted for a long time. Krowly potraits are now showing the clothes he is wearing ^_^ Works for his normal clothes, cape, lingerie and zero clothes.

Why it's big. Normally I would have to make the variant for every window when he speaks (4 outfits variants + 2 languages). And it would be terrifying. But I found a way (probably obvious for somebody) of how to make game switching his portraits on the fly with just several lines of the script.

What does this mean. It opens a possibility to add more variants of Krowly's face more easy, like showing sperm on his portrait when he has a facial, or give him mask or other accessory (red ball? xD). 

It also opens a possibility for transformation events that alters his face. Like giving him plump bimbo lips :D It won't be easy, but much easier now.

Small problem for now is that game check what Krowly is actually wearing. So of he still has clothes equiped during sex scene it will be showing his portraits with clothes.




Plump bimbo lips? The bimbofication of Krowly is something I think we can all agree on.

Mark Piper



Хмм, мне нравится идея, дать возможность сделать Кроули более женстенным и сделать его губы пухлымы, в частности. Но я бы предпочел более естественные формы, чем препологает бимбофикация.


A very cool achievement. Grats on that. I see great stuff in the future. ^^ Bimbo Lip Potion/ or a plant that sucks/kisses your face until you get the swelling...something like a "suckculent" XD


Но разве тебе не придется перерисовывать губы Кроули для каждой сцены где есть его лицо?


Cant you auto un-equip the gear for the scene and re-equip the last used gear? idk... One thing i know is ,if your naked and do farming it puts on his normal cloths, at least it did in the previous patch, maybe a bug? but its something that could maybe be used to fix this new problem :D


Если говорить про дальнейшее увеличение его груди, то я бы скорее пошел в строну более тяжелых и полных молока грудей с большими сосками для него. Но большие пухлые губы это мой джем, и мне кажется смотрелось бы забавно :D


Да, работы много, но сейчас об этом можно хотя-бы подумать, а раньше у меня от одной мысли глаз начинал дергаться xD 10 сцен это проще чем 10 сцен и 10000 строчек диалогов


Yes, something like this. I will have to adjust every scene where he is taking off his clothes. It's not so big deal, I will be working on this on the way.


Yes, there is a couple of similar problems with clothes that I'm going to fix. The thing with farming is intentional, it makes sense for me that he is working on the field in the proper outfit


That is great news and Grats on the achievement. Does that mean it is easier to add more outfits for him and others?

Mark Piper

Bro. You can't leave it there. WE GOTTA HAVE BIG ASS KROWLY NEXT


It doesn't make it easier to add new outfits, but kinda makes me a little bit more willing to do it :)


Hmmm, Bimbo Krowley ~ ♥


Knowly looking like a busty girl wearing hijab 💚💙 I love it!